"You're different," she whispers, her puffy lips moving lightly.

The music stops and she lets me go, her body moving towards her bag.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she whispers, walking out of the room and leaving me needing to know what happened to cause such a beautiful girl to cry.


The quiet library enables me to focus on my English assignment, typing the paper about Catcher in the Rye. The filled room is starting to whisper and I feel a hand on my shoulder, my head turning to look up.

"I need to talk to you," Roxie whispers, my head nodding. I stand and follow her to the back of the library, no one able to see us.

"Zayn talked with her," she says, my hands shoved into my pockets.

"About what?"


My heart pounds and she pulls up the messages from Zayn on her phone.

"She asked him if he knew you and he said yes. Then she asked about you. Harry, she's interested in you," she whisper yells, hitting my arm.

"What did she ask about me?" I ask, grabbing her phone and scrolling through the messages.

"She just asked if he knew me? That's nothing," I say, her head shaking.

"She brought you up to someone. That's definitely something," she says, my eyes rolling.

Girls are complicated and I don't understand what is going on half the time. I've never been in a serious relationship; flings the only thing I've done. The main reason for my lack of relationships is because of my issues with respect. I just don't receive it and that's what I need in order to be with a girl.

"I just don't see why this is such a big deal," I say, her phone buzzing in my hand.

She says she found Harry comforting but so intimidating.

"I'm not intimidating," I sigh, groaning about my frustration.

"Just relax, Harry." My muscles are so tense and I need to know who she is. Marie French has me intrigued.

"No girl has ever been this much of a challenge," I sigh, her lips releasing a laugh.

"No. This is normal. You are just so hot to girls, that's why it was so easy," she teases, my hand running over my face.

"Oh, so I'm not hot to her?" I ask, laughing.

"You probably are and that's what intimidates her. She's not used to male attention."

I nod and we walk back to the library, most of the kids clearing out for their next class. I grab my stuff and walk to the front, talking to the librarian. She's an old lady who finds my jokes funny; my 'charm', as Roxie calls it, making all the teachers and woman who work here get on my good side.

"Do you mind if I stay in here for a while?" I ask, her head shaking.

"No, of course not. Stay here as long as you need," she smiles, my head nodding. Almost all the seats are taken again but I see one table in the back with a chair open. I walk back and feel nervous as I come closer.

"Marie?" I ask, her head turning.

"Can I...sit here?" I ask, her head nodding lightly. A lot of people watch us and I take my laptop out of my bag, typing a little of my essay before I look up.

"Are we dancing tonight?" I whisper over to Marie, leaning closer to her.

"Do you want to?" she asks, meeting my gaze.

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