•chapter one•

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Bakugo's pov

I look at my alarm that signals 5am. I sigh and sit up looking around my room. 'I guess I didn't sleep the whole night again' I said out loud. I get off my bed and go over to my closet and get my uniform. I look at it for a second and I realise how much I can't be bothered going to school today but I have to I can't slack off. I walk into the bathroom to do my business then I get changed into the uniform. I look into the mirror and once again I realise how ugly I am, I look closer and closer and every second I stare at myself I start to feel more and more sick.

'No one likes you'

I chuckle at the last one. It's true no one likes me, I'm such a dick head to everyone. I hate it, I hate how I scream at everyone every day but I can't help it. I have to make sure they know not to mess with me because... I don't want to make the same mistake as I did before. I can't trust someone ever again.

I walk out of my dorm and go down the stairs because no one has time to wait for the stupid elevator and it makes me feel dizzy, Plus I need to lose the weight. As I walk into the common area and I suddenly feel eyes on me but I don't pay attention to them and walk over to the couch and sit down. "Hey! Bakubro how are you?" Kirishima said. I look at him and see his warm smile, it makes me happy that someone can be so bright all the time. "What do you want shitty hair?" I said in a surprisingly calm voice." Wow bro you're so calm ... I think you might be sick!" he said. "Yes I'm fine! I don't get sick, now fuck off shitty hair!!" I shout at him. A lot of our classmates start to look at us wondering what's going on but then they seem to realise it's only bakugo screaming at his only friend.

Kiri sighs "calm down there bakubro, well anyway why aren't you eating breakfast??? You're going to get hungry you know and it's not healthy." He looks at be with a bit of concern in his eyes. "You don't need to tell me what's healthy or not weird hair! I'm just not hungry that's all..." i kinda whisper the last but I know he heard me. "I won't force you to eat but just make sure to eat something at lunch ok bro!?" He smiles widely at me. "Fucking whatever... sure.." i said this calmly and quietly. "Kiri dude come on we need to get to class! Oh bakugo? You're always in class already why are you still here" the wonna be Pikachu asks (aka kaminari). I quickly look at my phone to realise it's already 8am! " shitty hair if I'm late to class because of you, you're gonna regret it!!" Kiri laughs "okay bakubro lets just walk to class and not kill anyone". Me, Kiri, kaminari and sero are all walking to class and they're talking about some random shit. I have to admit they can be really funny and fun to hang around with but.... they're probably just like him, the second I begin to trust them they will betray me.

'Stupid they don't like you'
'They only talk to you because they pity you'
'They hate you'

"Bakugo!" I suddenly stop zoning out and try to figure out who just called my name. I look over and see kirishima looking at me with a lot of concern in his eyes. "What do you want shitty hair!?" I say to try and make him stop worrying. "Bakubro are you ok? I've been trying to talk to you but you seemed to be zoned out or something.." he was about to put his hand on my shoulder but I start walking faster. "I'm fucking fine! Stop worrying about me, I'm the best there will never be anything wrong!" I kinda shout at him. I see him looking at sero and kaminari still with concern in his eyes but then he just sighs and starts walking faster to catch up to me.

Soon we arrive to our class, well at the door of our class.For some reason i start shaking but only a tiny bit and I get really anxious to open the door. I snap out of it as soon as kirishima opens the door. "Why are you all late?" Mr Aizawa asks us. Most of our classmates look at me because I'm never late to any of my classes. "It's not my fucking fault, they made me late" I say kinda angrily but calmly at the same time. I start to walk over to my desk but I get stopped. "I don't care whose fault it is just don't be late again" Mr Aizawa says sleepily. I just nod my head and sit down. "Sorry!" Kirishima says and walks to his desk and so do the rest of the 'bakusquad'. I find it kinda funny how I have a 'squad' and I don't get why it's called the 'bakusquad' or whatever because well ... why? It easily could have been something like 'kirisquad'. I mean that would be better if it was called that because kirishima is better then me.

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