The journey to Angelina's house was peaceful leaving me to think to myself about my goals for the rest of the week. By the time I arrived at Angelina's house, it was six-fifty-seven causing me to smile before grabbing the flowers from the passenger seat and making my way around the back of the car to the trunk to grab the groceries. I locked the car making my way towards the front door seeing Angelina leaning against the door frame with a smile on her face. "Hey," I spoke handing her the roses as I entered the house kissing her cheek. "You're cute," Angelina spoke nodding to herself before shutting the door showing me the way towards the kitchen. "Thank you for the roses by the way," She spoke disappearing probably to grab a vase as I placed the groceries on the counter taking everything out of the bags and setting them on the counter. I made my I pulled my jacket off sitting it on one of the chairs behind the island. 

"You seem a bit dressed up for an architect and someone who's about to cook," Angelina teased causing me to playfully roll my eyes causing her to laugh as I rolled my sleeves up. "I had a meeting with a couple of our investors today we have a client getting ready to take their online business and make it into a bakery and so we had to sit down and find a location and construct the building it was just a lot. I got so caught up that it got too late for me to stop and change before coming over so I apologize for the formal attire," I spoke shrugging as I turned to wash my hands. "It's fine honestly I was only teasing," She spoke leaning against the counter beside me handing me a towel to dry my hands causing me to mumble a thank you. "So what are we cooking for tonight?" She asked looking at the groceries that sat on the counter. "Well, I was thinking of starting off with this layered Italian dip that my mom use to make for me and then moving on having lasagna as the main dish and for dessert cheese-cake," I spoke feeling proud of myself for figuring out something simple but great for our first date. "You're Italian?" Angelina asked causing me to shake my head grabbing a pan and turning her stove on. "No, but my parents are and so they are who taught me how to cook which I can mostly only cook Italian dishes plus I figured you wouldn't sit and let me cater you so I just thought it would be something quick and easy to make," I spoke now causing Angelina to now roll her eyes at me with a small smile on her face before she hid it. 

"Well, that's what happens when your independent," Angelina spoke causing me to shake my head. "Bullshit. Even independent women like to be catered to. The difference is they don't need too they want to," I spoke before lightly pushing her back towards the stool. "Go sit I got this," I spoke starting on the dip. I heard Angelina groan softly with a smile on her face as she went and took a seat. "So tell me about yourself," I spoke quickly spreading butter on the bottom of the pan before pouring the sauce in the pan before grabbing the cutting board that lay on the counter and grabbing the red pepper and a knife, and got to work. "I should be asking you that," Angelina spoke causing me to laugh nodding to myself. "Alright what do you want to know?" I asked quickly dicing the peppers and putting them in the sauce as I grabbed the Philadelphia cream cheese and putting eight ounces in it mixing it together as Angelina got up grabbing a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. "Where did you go to school?" She asked pouring me a glass of wine. "I attended Cornell Unversity with a full-ride athletic scholarship," I spoke mixing the sauce before I grabbed a bowl to start on the cheesecake knowing it was going to have to sit in the fridge and freeze until after dinner and that was going to take a moment. 

"For what sport?" She asked slightly impressed.

 "Basketball," I spoke causing her to hum. "Now that I can see," She spoke looking me up and down before bringing her glass to her lips. I shook my head amused before grabbing the mixer she had put out for me and began working on my cheesecake. "What made you become an Ambassador?" I asked causing her to look at me shocked. "Oh, so you know about that?" She asked causing me to shake my head. "I don't but I want to. I heard a few people talking about it yesterday but I don't exactly know about it or what you do," I spoke being honest which caused Angelina to smile lightly before she began explaining to me as I grabbed a big enough bowl to pour my dip into before covering it with mozzarella and parmesan cheese before sitting on the island behind me and turning towards the sink to run some dishwater before I grabbed a glass pan. "So you go on these field missions helping refugees and learning more about their cultures?" I asked adding to what she was saying causing her to nod before I washed the pan I was using before grabbing a pan and setting it on the stove filling it with water to boil. "I do and I think what really inspired me were my kids you know? Three out of six of my kids are adopted from places around the world. Places I've been and know about; seeing how their people were living," Angelina spoke as I grabbed a pie crust from the counter tearing the plastic off of it before pouring the cheesecake in the pan and smoothing it out placing it in her fridge. "Oh wow, six kids? How is that?" I asked causing her to laugh lightly. "Honestly I love it and them. I can write books about my kids," Angelina said softly with a smile. "What about you any kids?" Angelina asked causing me to shake my head. "Not as of right now. I mean hopefully sometime in the future I will. Truthfully I believe my biggest fear is not becoming a mom and a wife," I spoke quietly shaking my head trying to get out of my head. 

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