Chapter 16

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Anthony walked back into the living room with his jacket hanging over his arm and Spot behind him. Spot ruffled Anthony's curls before sitting down in an armchair.

"You better now, Conlon?" Jack laughs from the couch.

"Much," Spot replied, smirking at Anthony across the room.

"Gabriel," Anthony called as his son ran from the kitchen and into his arms, "Ready to head home? Mayweather should have supper ready by now."

"I thought your sister's name was Annabelle?" Albert asked, still lying on top of the couch.

"It is; Mayweather is the head cook of the household," Anthony laughed, "I think the calendar says someone is getting mac and cheese tonight." Anthony tickled Gabe causing the younger child to giggle.

"What I wouldn't do for some mac and cheese," Crutchie groaned.

"I'm sure you could all tag along; she always makes plenty. We have plenty of guest rooms, so none of you would have to come home in the dark tonight," Anthony explained. He set his son down momentary to slip his jacket on; before scooping him back up into his arms, bouncing him.

"Are you sure your sister wouldn't get mad that we invaded her house?" David asked nervously.

"She'd love it," Anthony laughs, "Annabell always talks about how she wished she could have met you all."

"Well, let's go met this girl," Jack says, hurrying to the door, trying his boots on, "I got some stories to tell her about you, Racer."

"I knew this was a bad idea," Anthony said, walking out the apartment door with Spot's hand interlaced in his, and Gabriel sat on his hip.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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