Chapter 9

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"Sax? Vent?" Spot said confusedly to see his second and third up on the roof as Race stood near the edge, looking scared out of his mind. "What is going on here?"

"Race saw us," Sax said quietly. Spot knew about the relationship between the two. He had walked in on it one day. Both Sax and Vent were scared of what Spot would do and say. But to their surprise, Spot was very supportive of the reason they hadn't figured out.

"Oh! Ok, we'll talk about this in a minute; just let me get him away from the edge," Spot said, turning his attention to his boyfriend.

"Anthony," Spot called, causing Race's eyes to meet his. "They are not going to hurt you" Slowly, Spot started to take small steps toward Race.

"But they're?" Race said with panic still evident in his voice.

"Yes, Anth. They are like us. They love each other, but I can't love you if you fall off the roof, so please come here," Spot said as Race looked behind him at the wooden planks of the pier. "You're not going to be hurt. I promise they wouldn't hurt you."

Race took one more look over the edge before turning the other way and running to Spot, latching his arms around his neck while ducking his head into Spot's neck. Spot quickly scooped Race's legs up, wrapping them around his own waist, placing one hand under Race to hold him up while running the other through his head of blonde curls.

Race pulled his head back and quickly kissed Spot, surprising both Vent and Sax, who watched the two's interactions.

"That's why he supports us," Vent whispered to Sax.

Sax quickly finish Vent's thought, "Because he's like us."

"Race," Vent called, pulling Race and Spot out of their interactions. "I'm sorry if Sax and I scared you. We're not used to having someone else in the house."

"No, Vent. I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm the one who overreacted," Race said, returning to stand on his own feet. "Spot, can I go home to Manhattan now?"

"I'll walk you to the bridge," Spot said, leading the group back inside. 

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