Chapter 11

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The Race was sat on the roof when Jack came and sat beside him. "It's beautiful, isn't," Jack commented.

"Ya, it is," Race said, watching as the sun was setting, illuminating all the building.

"I want you to sell here in Manhattan tomorrow," Jack instructed.

"Jack, why?" Race questioned, looking at Jack.

"Race doesn't argue with me. I want you to stay close to home for a couple of days while you get better," Jack said.

"Brooklyn ain't that far, Jack. It's just across the river," Race laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"No Racetrack. I already have it set up you'll be selling with Mush for five days," Jack argued before standing up, "I'm doing this for you, Race. Once you're better, you can go back to Brooklyn and sell, but I need you here for now." Race laid back on the concrete roof watching as Jack disappeared off the top.

"I need you here," Race mocked, talking out loud to himself, "Need me for what? You never need me when I'm in Brooklyn. Why now do you all of a sudden need me."

That night Race slept out on the roof underneath the stars.


"Racetrack! Wake up!" Mush yelled, crossing the roof to where his best friend was asleep on the top.

"Five more minutes, Spot," Race mumbled in his sleep.

"Hey, blondie. I'm not Spot now. Let's get a move on," Mush laughed as Race picked his head up and glared at Mush before flipping him off. "Love you too, Race. Now let's go. Jackie boy says, you're my responsibility today."

"Would you tell him if I went to Brooklyn?" Race laughed, standing up.

"You'll see your loverboy eventually. Now let's go," Mush said, walking behind Race and pushing his friend in the direction of the fire escape back.

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