Chapter 7

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"Spot," Race laughed as Spot straddled him pinning Race to the bed. Spot had his hands on either side of Race's head, gazing down at the blonde-haired boy beneath him.

"Ya, Race," Spot asked while running one of his hands down the side of Race's face.

Race lent his head into Spot touch, "Never mind, it's not important."

"Anth, if you have something to say, I want you to say it. We can't make this work if we hide things from one another," Spot said, rolling the duo over so Race unexpectedly found himself over Spot.

Race quickly stood up, causing Spot to sit up, watching him as Race crossed his arms nervously, looking at the floor. "What's yours?"

"My what?" Spot said, standing up, walking across the room, lacing his fingers with Races.

"What your birth name?" Race asked quietly.

"Sean," Spot said, watching as Race's eyes sprung up to meet his. Race was surprised that Spot told him so quickly without any questioning. "Sean Nathaniel Conlon."

"Anthony Edward Higgins," Race said, turning his gaze back to the floor.

"Hey," Spot jumped, grabbing Race's chin forcing the boy to look at him, "I like it. I think it's cute. Anthony Edward, it sounds very professional." Race couldn't hold in the small laugh at Spot, thinking his name sounded professional.

"Sean Nathaniel, wow, that's a mouth full for sure," Race laughed.

"Very funny, now let's get to sleep. You might not have to sell in the morning, but I still do," Spot said. Race walked over to the bed, only to be stopped by Spot's hands on his waist. "I want this off tonight," Spot said lightly, tugging on Race's striped undershirt. "I don't want you hiding from me just how strong you are."

Race lifting his arms reluctantly lifted his arms as Spot pulled the shirt over his head. Spot leaned over and kissed the scar on Race's collarbone. "Now get to bed, Anth," Spot chuckled while setting the shirt along with the rest of Race's layers.

Spot removed his layers before climbing into bed behind Race, pulling him to his chest. "I love you, and I don't want you to be afraid of your past. Race, you have been through so much and shouldn't have to hide it."

"I love you too," Race mumbled. "I'm not afraid when I'm with you" Race fell asleep and was soon followed by Spot.

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