Chapter 8

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Race rolled over on the bed, watching as Spot got dressed.

"Good Morning sunshine," Spot said, crossing the room and kissing Race's forehead. Race shifted himself, preparing to sit up only to be stopped. "You are staying here today."

"Spot," Race grumbled, laying back down.

"Anth, you need to rest today. You just went through three days of who knows what," Spot said, slipping his cap over his head. Spot leaned down and pecked Race lips. "I'll be back before you know it. Love you."

"Love you too," Race said, watching Spot leave the room.

Race fell back asleep but was awoken by the sound of the front door of the lodge opening. Quickly he slid his undershirt over his head and pulled his button-up over his shoulder without buttoning it up. Quietly he opened the door without closing it and silently crept down the stairs. Race stopped in the middle of the stairs watching the scene in front of him.

Sax had Vent pinned against the wall, but Vent didn't seem to be in pain. "Race?" Vent said, confused as his brown eyes meet Race's blue ones.

"Yes, Vent Race is upstairs in Spot's room now; shh, I'm not done," Sax said before returning to Vent's neck.

"No Sax," Vents said, pointing to Race, who was crouched on the staircase curiosity watching the two. Sax turned around to see what Vent was pointing at.

"Oh no," Sax mumbled under his breath. "Race."

The two watched as Race let out a small screech and disappeared back up the stairs. Sax and Vent both looked at each other before running up the stairs chasing after the boy who had just found out their secret.

"Race, can we talk to you," Sax said, pushing the door open to see a foot disappear out the window onto the fire escape. The two quickly climbed out the window and up onto the roof to find Race had himself backed against the edge.

"Come away from the edge," Vent said, not get any closer to Race.

"I'm sorry. I won't tell anyone," Race said.

"Race, please come away from the edge," Sax said, scared that Race would stumble and fall backward off the roof.

Spot walked down the pier towards the lodge but stopped short when he saw someone on the roof. Brooklyn newsies didn't usually go up onto the top; the roof was a Manhattan thing. Race! Spot quickly ran inside the lodge and up to two flights of stairs. He threw his bag on the floor before climbing through the open window and up the fire escape.

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