Chapter 5

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Spot took Race up to his room and laid Race on his own bed.

"Sean?" Race said, watching his boyfriend walk around the room, "Come mi hai trovato?"

"Mush," Spot answered, sitting on the bed as Race sat up and sat beside him. "He knew where your house was."

"How much did he tell you," Race muttered, pulling his knees into his chest.


"No, Spot, don't go telling me how I shouldn't be ashamed of my past because it's in the past," Race interjected. "Spot this is my past, and I have to live with it. I'm not Manhattan. I'm not Brooklyn. God Damnit Spot, I'm Queens, and I hate it."

Spot got up from his bed and ran out into the bunk room as Race began to cry. He found the bunk that was shared by Fox and Tail. The twins were sat on the lower bunk, talking to each other. "Fox, Tail. I need you to go to 'Hattan immediately and tell Jack to get his butt over here, if he doesn't come, tell him Race needs him." The twins both ran out of the room as Spot ran back to his room. It only took one twin, but Spot sent both because he knew they would race each other there; therefore, they would get there fast.

Spot climbed onto his bed and pulled Race into his chest. "Race, you may be from Queens, but you have the heart of Jack's Manhattan newsies and the courage and will of my Brooklyn newsies. But most importantly, Race, you've stolen the heart of the boy, who never knew he had one to steal."

"Awe, that's nice of you to think of Crutchie," Race giggled.

"If you weren't my boyfriend, you would be so dead right now," Spot grumbled while messing up Race's hair.

"Love you too," Race laughed before turning around and kissing Spot. The two were interrupted by a knock on the door. Spot crawled off the bed as Race backed up, so his back was against the wall. At the entrance were Jack, Crutchie, and Mush. By this time, Race had pulled his legs back to his chest. Spot turned around and saw the position Race had situated himself in. He knew what this position meant to Race.

"No, no, no," Spot said, running across the room and onto the bed. He rested his hands on the side of Race's face forcing the boy to look at him. "Race, no, don't you dare."

"I don't deserve any of you," Race mumbled.

"Race," Crutchie called from the doorway. Race's tear-filled eyes quickly leaped up to Crutchie before they refocused onto Spot. "Race, you will always deserve us. I don't think what Mush shared with Jack and Spot, but by god Race, you do."

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