Chapter 12

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"Anthony!" Race was selling with Mush when he heard his name be called, but it wasn't a Newsies. Down the block, Race could see the young girl who had yelled.

"Mush," Race said, getting his best friend's attention, "I'll be right back."

Mush watched a Race ran down the block and stopped in front of a girl who looked vaguely familiar. She had blue eyes and blonde hair that fell in ringlets.

"Annabelle?" Race said, confused, standing in front of his twin sister, "What are you doing here?"

"Anthony," Annabelle laughed, throwing her arms around Race's neck.

"Anna, shouldn't you be at home?" Race asked nervously, hugging his sister back.

Annabelle was the only sibling that had ever shown Race any love.

"Anth, I came to find you, silly," She laughed, looking into the blue eyes that mirrored her own.

"Find me? Why, Anna?" Race said, confused.

"I want you to come with me," She said, grabbing her little brother's hands.

"Come where? Annabelle Elizabeth, where are you going," Race nervously. Annabelle had always lived with their parents. Annabelle was their favorite child, the fourth child, while Anthony was the fifth. Their parents had only wanted four kids, but they got five.

"I'm moving to the Bronx, Anthony, and I want you to come with me," She explained.

"Mother and Father are allowing this?" Race said, surprised that his parents would permit Anna to do this.

"No, silly. I'm getting married," Anna laughed, surprising Race.

"Married? Anna, you are crazy, married?" Race questioned his sister.

"Yes, Anth, Married. Please come with me. You won't have to pay for anything ever again," Annabelle encouraged.

The Race quickly looked over his shoulder to see Mush selling papers. A new life, one where Race didn't have to work for every meal, but what about everyone. What about Manhattan? What about Brooklyn? What about Spot?

"Anthony Edward Higgins, come with me, please. I promise everything will be better," Annabelle said, pulling her brother out of his thoughts.

"You promise I won't have to worry about money?" Race asked.

"I promise. So, is that a yes?" Anna asked.

The Race looked one more time over his shoulder before looking at his sister and nodding his head. Annabelle laughed before grabbing her brother's hand and leading him into a new life.

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