Things Unexpected: Part 3

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    She didn't know how long it had been but Aubrey felt a tug on her hand. She tore her eyes away from the crowd and glanced to Makenzie. She realized just then, that she was still holding her hand. Her nervousness eased just a little at the comfort of it.
   She also noticed Wyatt gazing at her from the corner of her eye.
    "Wyatt spotted Captain, so we're gonna go over and talk to her. C'mon." Makenzie, once again led Aubrey to where they were going.
    Once they reached their destination, they stopped. They'd moved to the front of the room, close to the stage. Before them stood their Captain. She was dressed in a navy pantsuit, and her hair was in curls around her face.
    But standing next to Captain Ferguson was the Governor. Governor Mitchell. Aubrey had only ever seen him on tv, or in local magazines and newspapers. It felt surreal to be standing in front of such an important person she never thought she'd meet. They greeted each other, and introductions were made. They easily slipped into conversation, chatting about the work Governor Mitchell had done for the state, their recent cases, their encounters with Mystique, and again, the question of if she was going to come.
    Aubrey chimed in here and there when necessary, and she answered questions if she needed to. But she mostly tried to stay out of the conversation. Although, once, Governor Mitchell did ask about her parents, which Aubrey wished she could avoid the topic, but she answered his questions anyway.
She refocused on the conversation when she noticed someone come up behind the Governor, and tap him on the shoulder. With the new arrival everyone in the group quieted, Governor Mitchell excused himself and the woman whispered something in his ear. He nodded and turned back to the group.
"Well, it was very nice chatting with you all but, I'm afraid it's time I go make my speech and address the masses! So, if you'll excuse me." He said, and turned away from them to make his way to the stage.
They all seemed to watch him as he weaved through the people to get to the stage. When he reached it he climbed up the stairs, and stepped onto it. The band had quieted, but Aubrey was sure few people noticed.
Governor Mitchell tapped the microphone, a loud tapping sound resonated throughout the room, grasping everyone's attention and bringing all the guests to look towards the stage.
He cleared his throat and began speaking.
"Hello guests, and service members. I am so glad to have you all here tonight..." He continued to make greetings and point out the various different important people that were attending. Like the Mayor, one of the Senators, a couple of the Representatives, the Fire Department Chief, and even Captain Ferguson. After the greetings, Governor Mitchell moved on to talk about the city and state's progress, achievements and change that'd happened over the past year. And after that, he moved on to talk about honors. And that's when he spoke about the recent events with the police and Mystique. "I would also like to honor and thank our police department for their spectacular work lately. In case some of you weren't informed, our very own police force found 9 people that had gone missing. They did this a week and a half ago. And they found these citizens and protect our city with the help of our very own superhero, Mystique. She worked with them to get the job done. So give them a round of applause! And hopefully our masked protected will turn up tonight!" He started clapping, and soon everyone followed suit,  congratulating the police around the room. Aubrey herself clapped for her co-workers. But she noticed Makenzie glanced at her. Probably because of the thing Governor Mitchell said about Mystique turning up.
Aubrey ignored her friend's gaze and kept on clapping.
After the clapping had died down, the Governor continued with his speech. But it didn't last much longer, since he wrapped it up quickly so they could return to the festivities. Once he finally finished, another round of clapping broke out and he walked off of the stage.
As the clapping died down, Captain Ferguson excused herself, said she was going to talk to the Governor. They watched their Captain's retreating back.
It was the four of them once again.

Aubrey leaned against the table, her face cupped in her hand. Her other hand held a glass of sparkling gold champagne that hadn't been touched.
She studied the crowd of people. Her eyes followed one particular couple that had started dancing. Though one of them stumbled a bit. Probably from having too much to drink. She shook her head, and smiled slightly at the couple.
She glanced away from the couple though, as she noticed someone approach her. She found that that person was Makenzie. She watched as her friend made her way toward her. Makenzie's black dress moved with her body perfectly, it swayed with her steps, and defined her curves.
Makenzie stood on the other side of the table, opposite Aubrey. She too had a drink in her hand. But unlike Aubrey's glass, Makenzie's was halfway gone.
"So. You're avoiding the crowd I see." Makenzie said as she took a sip of champagne.
"Mmhmm." She hummed. Makenzie chuckled.
"Ya know... now would be the perfect time to change into your Mystique suit and dazzle the crowd." Makenzie said, turning towards Aubrey. She looked at her expectantly.
"Hmm." Aubrey was just about tired of people referring to Mystique. Why had she decided to become a superhero again? She sighed. "I'd... like to let Mystique be a superhero."
Makenzie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion "What do you mean?".
"I mean... I don't want her to go to things or do things just to gain fame. She'll, go where she's needed. She has a job to do just like everyone else. So, Sorry Mack. I won't be suiting up tonight." She finished and glanced at Makenzie.
Makenzie stared at her in thought. She nodded and said "Okay. That's understandable. I get where you're coming from."
Aubrey smiled at her appreciatively. And Makenzie smiled back. After a brief silence Aubrey asked "So uh, how're you enjoying yourself?"
She waved a hand carelessly "Eh, ya know. It's basically the same every year. But it's ok I guess. Although I have learned that Christian and champagne don't mix." Aubrey wondered what she meant by that and gave her a quizzical look "Oh, and Bella looks adorable".
Aubrey had only seen Bella a couple times since she arrived. And Makenzie wasn't wrong. Bella did look adorable. Bella had on a yellow dress and her hair was in curls around her face,  instead of its usual straightness. But all the times she saw her, she was hanging around Wyatt. She again wondered what their relationship was. She remembered that Wyatt had said they weren't a couple, after she awkwardly asked if they were. But he'd said that they were close, that they'd grown up together... Aubrey dismissed the thoughts out of her mind, not wanting to dwell on it.
    "Yeah, she does." Aubrey said in response. They fell into comfortable silence. Both of them watching the crowd. Some people were dancing. Others were mingling. Others were seated or standing at tables eating and drinking...
    "Um, I'm gonna go get another drink." Makenzie said suddenly.
    Aubrey glanced at her "Oh, uh, ok?" She was slightly confused, because the glass Makenzie currently had wasn't empty.
    Makenzie quickly walked off to find someone with a tray of drinks, or the refreshments table. Aubrey sighed as she watched her friend walk away from her.
She set her own glass on the table and gazed back toward the crowd, not really seeing them. She supposed she must look like the most miserable person at this party. And maybe she was. With Makenzie not there, she could sneak away...but that would be childish.
Her lips downturned as her plan of escape fell through.
"So I see you're enjoying yourself."
Aubrey blinked and her eyes focused on the figure standing in front of her. It was Wyatt. She internally groaned.
When had he walked up to her? Better yet, how long had he been standing there? And why hadn't she sensed him approach?
For a long breath, she stared at him. She didn't know what to say, he'd caught her off guard, again. He seemed to be doing that lately...
But he stared back at her, waiting for an answer. His free hand was tucked in his pant pocket. And his other hand held a glass of a drink that wasn't champagne.
"Uh... if you're looking for Mack, you just missed her" Aubrey said, not acknowledging his previous statement.
"Oh well uh, I wasn't looking for Makenzie. I was looking for you." He said.
She stared at him once more. And she thought she felt her face heat up a little.
Why would he be looking for her?
"Can I ask you a question?" He moved to stand on the opposite side of the table, where Makenzie had stood. He looked at her, waiting for a response.
"Uh, sure. I don't guarantee an answer though." She glanced at him.
"Great. So, do you mind explaining to me why you don't like parties?" He asked.
Sometimes she wished Wyatt wasn't so inquisitive. Or that he didn't notice everything. Actually, if he could turn off his Detective mode, she'd be thankful.
"I do mind."
He sighed "Well can I ask anyway?"
She turned away from him and shifted. She pursed her lips and thought.
    "I dunno, I just... don't really like people that much." She said as she twirled her ring  around her finger. When she looked back at Wyatt, she was slightly surprised to find him staring at her, thoughtfully.
    "Huh. That explains a lot." He said.
    "Wha? What's that supposed to mean?"
    "What? It really does!" A smile crept onto his lips.
    "Fine." She said "And it's not like I don't like everyone. I like Mack. Most of the time..." Wyatt snorted at the last part. "And you guys are okay. I just, don't like being around so many people all at once. It... tires me out."
    "Hm, that's understandable." He said. She looked up at him to find that there wasn't any playful spark in his eyes. He truly meant it. "I feel like that sometimes too when I'm at parties. But not all the time, I think it's just around certain people..." he continued.
    "Oh. Good to know we're both introverts." She said. Wyatt snorted and chuckled a little.
    "Well I see you've made a friend!" Makenzie's voice said as she came up behind Wyatt. She took a sip of a new pink fizzy drink, she held in her glass.
    "Sure." Aubrey said.
    "And where did you go?" Wyatt asked Makenzie.
    "Oh ya know, to storm the castle and pick some strawberries."
    "I see." He smiled, amused at her response.
    Aubrey noticed Makenzie see something across the room, as she looked up attentively. Aubrey furrowed her eyebrow, wondering what she saw.
    "So... I think Captain's trying to get our attention." Makenzie said and nodded toward the other side of the room.
    Aubrey and Wyatt looked and saw Captain Ferguson waving at them from across the way.
    "Then I guess we better go see what's up." Wyatt said as he pushed off the table. They began to make their way across the ballroom to their Captain.
    But when they were nearly there, Aubrey felt shiver go down her spine, and she shuddered.
    She abruptly halted. her blood ran cold. Something was wrong. And she think she knew what it was.

    As they were walking when they were almost to them, Aubrey stopped in front of him. She didn't move. Just stood there.
    Wyatt stepped toward her "Aubrey? You okay?" He furrowed his eyebrows together in concern. At hearing what he said, Makenzie turned around too. He glanced to Christian and Captain Ferguson and saw them looking on, confused.
    Aubrey turned her head towards the stage, and he saw her eyes go wide. He also saw her grab Makenzie's wrist.
   He followed her gaze to the stage and found the last thing he was expecting.

- 😲 What do you think is up on the stage??
- Anyway, things are pretty crazy right now! With the corona virus and everything. I hope y'all are staying safe, staying inside, and washing your hands! 😊 We'll get through this!
-So uh, if you can't tell by the ending...this actually isn't the last part of the chapter! I know, it's kinda weird for me too. So on my outline for this chapter, the gala was supposed to be in one part. Buuut a lot happens at this gala and as I was typing it out, and it was going on 5 thousand words. And I hadn't even fit everything yet! So, I had to split up the part. Because it would've been WAAAYYY too long. So yes, there's a part 4! My fist part 4 of a chapter. I'm going to publish both of the parts at the same time though, since, they'll both be done...
-And let me know what y'all thought of this part! I know it was kinda slow but, there'll be lots of action in the next part!
-Don't forget to vote and comment!😊

-Candace 😅

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