Chapter 1: Taking Risks, Leaps, & Bounds

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    Mystique perched on the ledge of a rooftop, her vibrant red hair blowing behind her. She surveyed the street, and the parts of  St. Louis she could see. The big arch glinted in the distance.
    The loud screech of tires pierced her ears, she snapped her head toward the sound. Next, police sirens went off. She scanned the street below to trying to pinpoint where they were coming from. A yellow speeding car came into view farther down the street to her right. And police cars were chasing it.
I wonder what happened this time?, She thought. She stood up from her crouched position, took a deep breath, and jumped off of the ledge. Her hair whipped up behind her.
   She tuck and rolled to land, and stood steadily, on her feet. The civilians around her gasped. She quickly stepped into the street, right in the path of the speeding car.
She waited. The civilians started at her, and whispered, but she didn't care.
The speeding car came closer and closer, and when it was scarily too close, it the driver pumped the breaks hard. The car screeched to a halt, so did the police cars.
   She smirked.
    The driver and passenger side doors opened, and two men stuck their heads out.
"Get outta the road lady!" The one on the drivers side yelled at her. She raised her eyebrows.
Behind the yellow car, a cop car door opened and a middle aged man got out, he yelled at the man on the drivers side "Give me back my merchandise!!"
Mystique understood now. So these two are thieves.
"You heard the man. Give him back his stuff.", she said to the two thieves.
"Move already lady!" The drivers side their yelled.
"We're not playin'!" The other thief said, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at her. She put her hands up, and had the strong urge to roll her eyes. So this is how it's gonna be, huh?
The second thief fired at her. She dodged the bullets with ease. She walked up to the second thief, and manipulated the air around her, knocking the gun out of his hand. He stared at her, shocked, and a bit scared. He attempted to punch her in the shoulder, but she blocked him. She glanced at his arm and then back to his eyes. She pushed his arm away, and punched him in the shoulder. And in the stomach too. He doubled over in pain. She pushed both of her arms forward, in front of her. She pushed the man back with gust of air, he stumbled and almost fell. She lifted her arm and ice appeared, trapping the thief's legs and torso, so he couldn't move much.
The the first thief shot his gun at her, from over the top of the car. She ducked just in time, the bullet skimming her hair. When she stood back up, she glared at him flatly.
    She pushed off of the ground, flipped onto the top of the car, and hit the guy in the face with her foot. She landed gracefully. But the thief had fallen to the ground. When he got back up, he tried to punch her in the face, but she caught his fist and pushed him back. She swept her hand in an upward motion, and ice covered his legs and torso just like the other guy.
Mystique smirked proudly at the job she had done. She remembered the man who'd asked for his merchandise. She searched the car using her X-Ray vision, and found a duffle bag stashed in the trunk. She walked over to it and was slightly surprised to find that it was unlocked, and opened it. In it she found the duffel bag full of jewelry and money. She picked it up, and walked over to the man who'd yelled at the thieves earlier. She handed the duffel bag to him.
"I believe this belongs to you?." she smiled warmly at him.
"Yes, it does. Thank you so much Mystique. How can I repay you?" He asked.
"Oh no, that's not necessary. But I'd better get going now, see you around sir!" She waved him goodbye.
    She passed the yellow car and the thieves she iced. But as she passed she made sure to de-Ice them, since they were already cuffed.
"Mystique! Can I ask you a few questions?" Quick footsteps approached her from behind. She cringed internally, not again. She sighed and turned to look behind her. The same brown haired, grey eyed officer approached her. He'd tried to ask her questions plenty of times before.
   She just smirked at him and did a two finger salute. She turned back around and pushed off the ground. She manipulated the air around her feet to give her more lift. She grabbed on to a balcony and swung herself to a windowsill, and climbed to the roof of the building.
She left the police officer standing there again without her answers.

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