Harriet seemed rather relieved to be in the final three. She stays by my side and we make brief conversation as we wait for Thomas to exit with the others.

After a few moments Prince Thomas comes out of the room, "Congratulations Ladies." He spoke quickly before moving past us and making hast down the corridor. Thomas seemed to hold a sad expression as he walked away, probably finding it tough to remove so many more girls from the selection so suddenly.

The awkwardness drifts into the room like a thick smog when the other girls enter, heads hanging low.

Hadley is the only one to approach me, or any of the other girls, and pulls me into an abrupt hug.
She whispers in my ear quietly, "Good luck Izzy, I know you got this." She says and gives me a firm pat on the back before pulling away.

Hadley eyes are full of sadness despite her smile, and she puts on a brave face as she leaves with the others.

I hang back and wait patiently while the others leave, then I slowly make my way out into the corridor. The halls are empty, but well lit and decorated excessively with furniture and paintings on the walls.

A large clock on the wall tells me it's just past 8 pm so I sit on a cushioned bench beside one wall and close my eyes.

My head leans back till it's against the wall and I calm my breathing.

I'm in the top 3. I might actually marry a prince.

No. I shouldn't get my hopes up. He might just as easily marry Harriet or Daisy and I'll return to my normal life back in Melbourne.

Why did my heart hurt so much at that thought? I wanted to go home, didn't I?

Of course, I want to see my family. Isla and her bright smile and cheery sense of fun in the early mornings.
Elizabeth and her wise older sister knowledge.

I also miss my parents, but I knew they would want me to be happy in the end.

But happy endings only exist in fairytales.

Pulling myself from my thoughts I jolt back into reality and pull myself to stand. The corridor is darker and I peak out a window to see night is falling.

I slowly make my way back down the corridor when a maid rounds the corner.

She is carrying piles of laundry in baskets and is juggling 3 in total.

I startled her and she drops one of the baskets of laundry.

"I'm so sorry." I say, leaning down and gathering the clothes back neatly into the wicker basket where some had fallen out.

"No, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." The maid says, thankful as I take a basket and she shoots me a toothy grin.

She's young, only a little older than me with cropped blonde hair and a royal staff uniform in black and white.

"Let me help you." I offer and she gives me an appreciative glance.

"Would you? Thank you so much. I should have gotten some staff to help but I'm in a rush. I have to get all this laundry to the forth floor." She begins down the corridor to the elevator and I follow behind her, "What's your name miss?"

The Non British PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now