The Cloudy Sunshine

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Soon, the titular team found themselves at the hospital. The building's pearl white structure looked as spotless as usual. In fact, as of right now, their environment is as calm as a cucumber thanks to the number of murders having greatly dropped.
"Hello there, you guys" A male receptionist greets them in a cheery, but soft manner.
"We're here to see Nevin Prentice please" Jayden's request is immediately reciprocated by the man giving him a clipboard to verify they're clear to visit with their friend.
"Thank you, sir" The team then made their way to the table where five people could sit. The team does their individual sheets in a steady manner. The worksheet usually ran as some would expect. How does Nevin know them? Are any of the members having symptoms of any sickness? Were they experiencing episodes of instability? The teams' answers were mostly the same. Although Ashley didn't have much anger in her, her scale of anger towards her friends energy was at a five. Asori felt her concern take over, this being apparent by her whispering in her new girlfriend's ear.
"How about I hold your hand when he gets out?"
"I think you know why" Ashley couldn't help but give her girl an "Are you serious?," face.
"Ashley, please don't attack him right after he wakes up from his coma"
"I'm not gonna beat his ass. I'm just gonna-" Asori's look of "If you even think of it, Ashley Laura Stephens," forces her to stop her speech and sigh. Asori knows that Ashley cares about people, but there's a point where her care isn't needed. Aubrey felt her eyes tear up whilst writing on this worksheet.
She really doesn't like being in hospitals at times like these. After all, many of her family members have spent their last days here. And, obviously, these days weren't happy at all. However, these tears aren't going to be held in her eye sockets for very long. So, the yellow haired girl gets through the paper as quick as she could, writing through the answers in a very quick manner. Thank God she has super speed.
"I need to go, excuse me" Aubrey then exits her seat and speeds out of the hospital. The team understood due to her sensitivity of this place. Jayden had lost his uncle here, and he understood how crushed Aubrey is having lost her aunt Marcy at the hospital. Aubrey laid her back on the side of Anything, Nerd? while trying to recompose herself. The shadow that covered her presence thankfully hid her from anyone who may become concerned for her. Taking deep breaths and placing her hands in her pockets, only a few tears escape her eyes. Her sky blue eyes apparently were raining slowly. Aubrey nearly cries her eyes out, for she wants to let her grief leave her mind. She, however, doesn't want to alert anyone to her pity party. Wiping her eyes with her sleeve, the blonde takes one final deep breath before she tries going back into the hospital. However, a sight catches her eye. A very infuriating sight. It's just like the age old tale: a scared little girl, a trio of bullies, those same bullies stealing her doll, and she's trying to get it back. Getting bored of this torment session, the leader kicks the girl in the stomach, its force knocking the blonde to the ground. Their laughter made their victim ever more scared, making her cry her eyes out, therefore causing her tormentors to howl with laughter. This scene of agony continues until a blur of light snatched the doll away from the leader. Fear of the same variety as the scared little girl plastered itself on the girls' faces.
"You. Get over here" The teen barked, the leader walking to the yellow haired without a moment's hesitation.
"So, do you like making fun of people?" Aubrey said, her face right in the leader's own face. Her face and voice tone were pissed beyond words. After all, not only has she had plenty of her bullying experiences, but she has a little sister who's thankfully had a few bullying experiences.
"Let me tell you something. People like you don't have the easiest lives if you keep this up. If I were you, I'd stop right here and now. Understood?" The leader shook her head as a yes to her threat. Then, the team ran in fear which Aubrey appreciated.
"You ok?" Aubrey asked whilst picking the girl up where she fell down. The child's tears still escaped her eyes due to the bullying experience. The Alta Hero's smile makes the girl smile in a small manner. Then, after wiping her eyes with her sleeve, she gets handed her doll back.
"Thanks, Aubrey"
"No problem" Aubrey then places her arms on her shoulders and kneels down as she tells the girls some facts.
"Look, if those bullies keep bothering you, don't hesitate to tell someone, ok? Also, don't listen to those bullies putting you down. You keep playing with that doll like no one else can, kay?" Winking after finishing the sentence, Aubrey's words of encouragement earn her light chuckles from the now enlightened little girl. Knowing the girl can find her way home, Aubrey allows her to run back home. Aubrey feels better about herself at that point as she walks back to the hospital. The smiles and laughs of everyone around her makes her positive mood increase to great heights. But, her biggest change in mood is thanks to her helping someone in need. Jayden, a person to calmly interrupt her train of thought, stood outside the office building with a look of concern.
"You ok, Aubrey?" Jayden inquired softly.
"Yeah" the girl answered calmly.
"Look, I'm sorry. I should've-"
"Jayden, it's ok. I just needed some fresh air" Aubrey then walks back into the hospital. Jayden, although he wanted to comfort her more, decided against it for its a very sensitive time she's gone through. So, he simply goes back in with her.

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