Fear, Frustration, and Forgiveness

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The police commissioner, slouched over whilst sitting on his bed, stared at one photo in particular. The Alta Heroes had just arrived at Fic-City, and a few not so good people tried to rob a familiar comic shop. And, for what? Because that Sam kid made fun of a frickin fictional character from a damn comic book?! It doesn't stop there. Soon, a band of thugs tried to rob Dustin's, but the police tried to handle the situation themselves. The kids decided it would be a good time to intervene. After all, they were the "Alta Heroes," and they needed to prove it apparently. His hands felt themselves grip the picture ever so tightly. His scowl morphed to one of great rage. Rage at those kids who nearly died multiple times. Rage for those assholes for who "forced" their hand in trying to stop them. And most of all, most of ALL! Rage for those people. Those people who tormented, ridiculed, and rejected these poor, wonderful kids. If it weren't for them, then maybe, just maybe, they wouldn't feel the need to risk their own lives every day! Vincent makes the eyes go to another photo. The photo in particular is the picture they took during Social Bureaucrat Day. Placing the photo in his hand near his nightstand, he takes the new photo in his hand to observe it as well. It was such a great day, that day being filled with food, good people, and loads of laughter. Vicnet felt his chuckles erupt from his body as he remembered that red headed missy teasing his old ass, Nathan joining in. Feeling himself growing tired, the man places it back where it belongs, using this time he's had to fall asleep. The sun shines down on all that walk amongst the gorgeous scenery, the titular team finding themselves at the cafe for breakfast. While the shining stars of Fic-City have their cup of joe, one man in particular finds himself at the particular cafe. Although a part of him didn't want to, and because he didn't feel his presence was needed, Vincent knew he needed to do this.
"Ok, how much spice did you put in that pizza?!" Shadow Bird exclaimed, impressed beyond words that the two managed to survive that painful pizza chow. 
"We've eaten spicy food since we were in kindergarten. What? Are you wanting to get your tongue burned off?!" The team continue their cheerful conversation until the police commissioner cleared his throat. The team turn to see the older man standing behind them. Then, after a brief moment of silence, VIncent breaks it with a smile on his face.
"You kids staying out of trouble?" The team glance at each other for a short moment before offering the man a seat. The boy in the costume smiles at him to tell him they want this. Wishing to honor their request, the man sat down to talk with the kids.
"To start off, yeah. We've been good" The blue hooded leader admitted.
"We've gotten almost everyone a gift" Asori chipped in.
"Ohh, and who's the last person?" Vincent inquiries while folding his hands on the table.
"You, old man" Ashley's remark made Vincent shoot his glance at the young lady. The man, feeling playful, fired back.
"Now, I may be reaching my fifties, but I'm not old. Learn to respect your elders, missy"
              "Ohh, please. What would you like? Coffee mugs? Suspenders?" Devilish chuckles reach his ears from all sides of the team.
"You kids are just horrible!" The man chuckles. The Alta Heroes immediately go on the defensive, but in reality; the group wants to continue teasing him. Vincent can't help but be happy at this point., These kids were the greatest kids he knows besides those three stooges he adores.  What'll happen that'll make them stop? He doesn't know. But, he doesn't care right now? All that matters is helping them be the lights Fic-City needs for dark times.

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