Good Vibes All Around

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The team chowed down on their hamburgers as they took a break on gift shopping. Whilst eating their food, talk comes about during the group lunch.
"Any of you guys thinking about gifts for me?" Shadow Bird asked in a very charming manner. Giggling a bit, Ashley wipes her mouth with her sleeve before retorting back at Shadow Bird.
"Well, there's only a few things that come to mind. One, some chocolates. Two, we could get you a self portrait of yourself. Three, you can have some "books" for your specific interests" Aubrey and Jayden let out a chuckle at that joke. Asori, although wanting to stay composed, couldn't help but laugh too. Thankfully, not many kids inhabited the restaurant as they're too busy eating with their families. That, and they're thankfully too young to know what they're talking about.
"Ohh, and you clearly want some "goodies" for Christmas, am I right?" The red on both Ashley and Asori's faces skewered everywhere. To put it bluntly, it's like their faces were caked in tomato juice. Only a few chuckles come out of the teams' mouths, this being because of them wanting to be respectful in this establishment. The team continues chowing down on their burgers without another word. Ashley and Asori sit close to each other when they're eating their food. It's pretty obvious these two are incredibly happy they're together. After all, why wouldn't they sit next to each other besides the fact they're teammates and friends? Ashley wanted Asori for her adorableness in the smarts area. It's also due to the fact she's one of the hottest girls she knows. On the other hand, Asori wanted to date Ashley because of how strong and sweet she is with other people. That, and she's an awkward dork in her own right. Asori laid her head on Ashley's shoulder after she finished her burger, Ashley giving her new girlfriend a kiss on her forehead to respond to her affection.
"Hang on, guys. I'll be right back" Jayden said as he exited the restaurant. Why? Because his phone went off.
"I'll be right back you guys, gotta take a winkle" Shadow Bird said in that same casual manner of his. Aubrey does the same, herself needing to take that twinkle too.
"I'll be in the girl's room" Aubrey blurted out. Ashley and Asori were left to continue talking with each other on other matters.
"Anyways, what're you thinking about doing for our first date?" Ashley asked before she and Asori peck lips.
"Not really" Asori pecks Ashley's lips before the couple keeps talking.
"Anything on your mind?" Asori said, her eyes gleaming with pure, relaxed joy.
"Not really. Probably just a date at the pizzeria. Ya know, since we like pizza and all"
"That's a perfect idea" Ashley and Asori then began making out at that point. They had nothing else to talk about right now, so the new couple figured they'd just kiss to their hearts' content. Meanwhile, a familiar face comes into the scene, Vincent having just had lunch by way of throwing his dirty napkin away. Taking note of the scene, the man doesn't hesitate to clear his throat as his secret way of getting the girls' attention. The two girls turned to see Vincent standing in front of them with a calm demeanor. Although they wanted to keep up their make out session, they knew their presence was needed.
"Can we help you, Mr. Lovecraft?" Asori asked, her hands still wrapped around Ashley's neck.
"Ohh, no. I just happened to find you kids here" Vincent admitted. The small talk is then replaced by the appearance of Jayden walking back into the restaurant.
"Hey there, Lovecraft" The Alta Heroes' leader greeted politely.
"Jayden" Lovecraft said, following suit.
"Anything wrong, sir?"
"No? What happened out there?"
"Ohh, I got word Nevin's gonna be released from the hospital today" The two girls' eyes widened to a great extent that matched even Vincent's eyes.
"Well, shit. We need to get over there" Ashley said as she and Asori stood up from their seats.
"Did they say how much damage he's sustained?" Asori asked.
"He's fine. At least, that's what the doctors told me" Jayden's words are later followed up by Shadow Bird's sudden intrusion into the conversation.
"Nevin ok?"
"Yeah. We're actually gonna head over to the hospital now"
"Nice. Sup, Chief"
"Hello, kid"
"Anything new?"
"Ohh, nothing much. Just happened to come upon this place on my lunch break"
"That's cool. Anything new at the force?" Shadow Bird inquired casually.
"Nope. Only the regular stuff we police have to deal with" Aubrey soon comes out of the bathroom to meet up with the group.
"Okay then. We're glad things have gotten better at the squad" The purple robed girl said in that same polite manner she usually has.
"Thank you. Also, you kids have really been a big help to the city. Keep it up" Commissioner Lovecraft manages to say. A part of him didn't want to, but he felt he needed to. These kids deserve praise for all the good they've done for Fic-City. That, and he didn't want another Macabre coming to town.
"Thanks, Commissioner Lovecraft. Well, we're off to visit Nevin. See you around" Jayden said in a polite manner before he led the team to the hospital. The team then waved to the man before exiting the restaurant, Vincent doing the same with a soft smile pasted onto his mouth. His world soon begins morphing into something he hopes to never see again. The Macabre were there, and the citizens of his beloved city looked upon them with utter freight. Those kids weren't to be trifled with, that's for sure. They could kill you without a second thought if they found you on their list. Orphée, Gloom, Ivory, and Mara kept the town scared out of their minds with every child abuser, corrupt official, mugger, and even bank robber's death being as horrific as the last. Thankfully, those days were gone, for it's thanks to the kindness and empathy of five kids that knew the pain held in their hearts that the Macabre didn't become the reckoning of this city. Hopefully, he can do the same for them.

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