
"Cheryl, wait up," Sweet Pea called to her as she gathered her books. "Excited for tonight?" he asked.

She shrugged, "As excited as one can be about having dye injected into their flesh I assume."

"Right..." Sweet Pea laughed.

The pair walked from Chemistry to lunch together. They had grown closer in the week since her initiation. He was mostly infuriating, but the redhead was in no place to be picky with her friends. Cheryl actually found herself enjoying the boy's friendship.

The rest of the Serpents were already sitting at their usual table by the time they arrived. Jughead was halfway through his first burger when Cheryl sat down besides him.

"Aren't you hungry?" he asked, his mouth full of food.

Cheryl shook her head, "She talked to me."

"Okay?" Jughead asked, confused about what his friend was talking about.

"She talked to me," she repeated. "Toni. She talked to me this morning."

"Oh," he nodded. "Congrats?"

"And she helped me," Cheryl smiled. She bit down on her bottom lip, a feeble attempt to control the grin from encompassing her entire face. "I told you it was her, Jug. I knew it!"

"That's great, but seriously, Cher, aren't you going to get lunch?"

She scoffed, "I swear all you ever think about is food."

"I thought that was common knowledge," he laughed before popping a fry into his mouth. "Happy for you though."


The sound of a tray clattering pulled their attention to the other side of the crowded cafeteria. It was as if everyone stopped what they were doing to focus on the source of the noise. At the center of the commotion was Heather, smirking as she looked down at Ethel. The red haired girl was sprawled on the tiled floor, her lunch tray and food scattered a few feet away.

"Guess she's moved on to someone else," Jughead cringed.

Cheryl sighed, "Better her than me."

The boy's jaw dropped, "Cher!"

"Ugh," she scoffed. "Fine!" Cheryl got up from the table and marched over to where Heather was laughing, still taunting poor Ethel as she attempted to clean up her ruined lunch.

"Oh please," Heather sneered. "We both know I did you a favor. You do not need those carbs. You should be thanking me."

"You really have something against redheads don't you, Heather?" Cheryl asked.

"Just helping the," the blonde paused, "the less fortunate. You'd know all about that wouldn't you?"

Cheryl shook her head and scoffed at the accusation. "Just because you live some sad, pathetic life doesn't give you the right to release your hate on others."

"That jacket doesn't scare me, Blossom."

"It should," Cheryl explained with a confident grin. She took a step back and snapped her right hand. Every Serpent stood from their seats, some even standing upon their chairs or the tables. The numbers were massive. "From this moment on, all students of Riverdale High are under our protection from the likes of you. If I so much as hear a whisper that you've been tormenting any one of my friends, Serpent or not, you will be in for a world of hurt. Is that clear?"

Heather seethed in anger. Cheryl could feel the rage emanating from the blonde's body and basked in her victory. She knew she had gotten through; she knew she had won.

now tell me, how did all my dreams turn to nightmares?Where stories live. Discover now