~d e u x~

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"I'm pansexual."


Everyone turned to face me in surprise. I just kept my head down to avoid anyone's stares. 

"Well thank you Min Suga, for letting us in on the scoop!" The interviewer says with dumbest smile I've ever seen in my life. I swear I could just slap this son of a- "No problem, thanks for having us." I say with a hint of anger lacing my voice.

We all pile into the car. "Yoongi-ah." Jin says. I turn up my music. "Yoongi-ah, I'm speaking to you!" He half shouts. "And? Screw off, Jin." I say ignoring Namjoon's suprised stare. After everything that happened today, my inner bitch popped out.

"Yoongi, I don't know where your attitude is coming from, but you must fix it. And also, HONORIFICS. USE THEM." 

"Whatever, Jin." I say slamming the car door as I get out. I slam the bedroom door leaving Jin out of the room. I sit on the bed and replay everything that happened today. At first I'm angry at the interviewer for using me as a money outlet. Then, I'm angry at me for not saying that I'm straight. Now, I'm just crying tears of anger.

And with every passing second, I fall deeper and deeper into my panic attack.

Suddenly, I can't breathe. I go numb. Where am I? What's happening to me? Oh my god I feel like throwing up.

Then, I hear a voice. I recognize it. My hyung.

"Yoongi-ah, just breathe. Count your breaths." This hurts so freaking much. "Just breathe. You're okay"

I settle down and realize everyone is in the room staring at me with concern and worry. "Okay, show's over everyone out." I say before burying my face in my pillow. I could just die of embarrassment.

I shoo everyone away and my sleeves ride up. "Hyung, what's that on your arm?" I lift my head. "What do you mean Jungkook, there's nothing on my-." 

Wait a damn minute.

(Insert Intro: Persona OH SHIT)

I quickly pull my sleeves down. "There's nothing my a-arm what do you mean?" I say as beads of sweat make their way onto my forehead. "Just let me see," Jungkook says grabbing them. And because he's a fucking muscle pig, I can't pull away no matter how hard I try. He grips my arm a bit too tight and visible red colors the white bandages. "Shit!" I hiss in pain. Jungkook's eyes go wide. "Oh my god, hyung! I didn't mean to hurt you are you o-,"

Everyone is shocked once they see the bandages. Jimin comes over and slowly unwraps the bandages reavealing every cut and scar I've adorned myself with. "Check his legs," Jin hyung says.

Jimin holds me down while Jungkook rolls up my pants a little revealing every cut. Jungkook couldn't take it anymore and buries his face into Taehyung's neck. Great. I made everyone worried and sad. It seems that's all I'm good for.

Jin hyung dismisses everyone and closes the door. "Why didn't you ask me for help." He says lowly. "Because I'm fine hyung! I'm feeling just fine! This is fine, it's fine it's....it's...," A sob breaks its way out of my throat. Jin brings me into his embrace and I press my face into his neck, inhaling the scent of his cologne. "I'm sorry,hyung, I'm sorry," I croak in a low voice. 

"Why are you sorry?" Jin asks worry and confusion on his face. "I made you guys worry and I'm so disgusting and-," I don't get to finish before I feel a pair tight arms wrapping around my body 

(kissie scene has been  r e m o v e d)

"Yoongi I'll never be disgusted with you."

How is your day :)

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