~d i x - s e p t~

681 34 114

"Let's be strong together then."


Yoongi pov

I was laying on Jimin's lap while coming home from the shoot. Don't wask why it's just comfortable.

I scrolled aimlessy through twitter, not sure what I was looking for.

Support? No.

A hate comment? No.

Okay, maybe a hate comment.

Find one that'll actually sink into your head.


There it is.

hoseok.is.mineok so concept photos are coming out and i think Yoongi is going to ruin it all who agrees with me?

Likes: 47 Retweets: 23

Well, I probably did ruin the pictures and I wouldn't be surprised if they came out bad because of me. I sigh and curl up in Jimin's lap.

"Hyung~," He says. "What's wrong?" There's no use in hiding anything. I feel too tired to hide so, I hand my phone to Jimin and he scowls and shows Hoseok, who's sitting beside him. "Aish, how could they comment this?"

"Hm? Let me see, hyung." Jungkook says. This nosy little--. "Let me see, too." Taehyung says grabbing the phone. "Somebody actually commented this?" Jungkook says. "They aren't Army then," Taehyung says. "They can't be."

"Wait, let me see." Namjoon says. "Yeah, me too." Jin speaks up. "I swear to go--." I start but gasps cut me off. "Wah, I can't believe they would say something like that?" Namjoon says. "Well, it isn't true okay?" Jin says giving me a smile.

Yeah, sure it isn't true, I wanted to say. I closed my eyes and reached for my phone and drifted off to sleep.


We got back from the photoshoot and were all laying on the couch and Jin was in his room, reading. "Hyung, I've got it!" Hoseok says. "You've got...what...?" I ask, confused. "You should show those haters that you're gonna bounce back! Rise from the ashes or something like that!" He says, excitedly. "What, do you mean?"

"Go out, have fun, post a picture, you know." Everyone elses faces light up. "We should go to the amusement park!" Jimin says. "Okay, that sounds fun." I say with a small smile making its way onto my face. 

We go up to Jin's room. "Can we go to the amusent park, please?" Jin sighs. "Joon-ah, you know our schedule won't allow it." Namjoon and Hoseok frown. "Alright, send in the bunny with the doe eyes." Taehyung says.

Jungkook goes in. "Please, hyung? We haven't gotten into any trouble lately--." 

"Oh is that so?" Jin says, smirking. "Please~~?" Jungkook asks, his eyes wide and all twinkly like a child's and Jin finally gives in. "Alright, Namjoon-ah, talk to Bang PD-nim and see if we can rent out the amusement park for the day tomorrow."

We cheer and file out of the room. "So, who's hungry?" Jungkook asks. "I am." We all say at the same time. "I'll get the snacks." Jimin says standing up.

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