Chapter 12

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After a little while, Chanyeol came back, with a bunch of other males, they were all quite short compared to Chanyeol, except one. They all were skinny and also quite pale.

One of them had bruises all over his body, he must have been Baekhyun as he also looked the weakest among the others.

Chanyeol pulled out a phone, seemed to dial a number with such excitement.
Why was he so excited?
Who was he calling?

"Hey asshole, what's up? I heard you kidnapped a girl. Y/n was it?"

He had put it over speaker, so I could hear.

"No. You wouldn't-" it was Taehyung.
Why would Chanyeol call him?

"Yes you bloody rascal, its exactly that. We have her/him here, and if you want to get her/him back, we expect you to come here. By. Your. Self."
No if Taehyung comes here, especially if he comes here alone, they'll beat the shit out of him.

"You, better play along or else..." the bandaged one whispered to me while signalling to me, death.

Chanyeol put the phone near my face gesturing me to talk.

"Taehyung don't come here!!! You know they'll murder y-." I pleaded to him. I didnt know what came over me. I knew Taehyung and the other boys were kinder than Exo. They left me to be. As if I just lived with them, they gave me a choice, and in the end even freedom.
But Exo, they tied me up in a basement. I couldn't let Taehyung come here to these people, they-
they would never let him go.

The other tall one had closed my mouth shut with his hand, cutting me off before I could finish.
"Shut up you little bitch!" He scolded me.

Chanyeol ended the call, with an evil grin on his face.
He turned to face me.
His grin immediately turned into an angry expression. His eyebrows were now furrowed, and his eyes had now narrowed onto to me.

"Why the fu*k did you say that, you were supposed to play along, not 'don't come here Taehyung', you piece of shit!"

A/n: Exo I am so sorry, you are, such kind, gentle and goofy beings. I'm sorry, I had to make you guys evil. I needed a villain to this story. 😅
I love you guys, please don't hate me.
Stan Exo y'all.
(Also congratulations Chen❤❤❤)

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