Chapter 13

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Chanyeol looked a lot scarier now. The rest of the males also looked furious. This was not at all a good situation for me.

The males all surrounded me, making their circle closer by the second. While Chanyeol continued to threaten me.

"T-Taehyung is not going to come looking for me. H-he doesn't care for me, I-I'm just a human he fed on. I don't mean anything to him." I said, trying to convince them, this was useless.

"Oh what do you know" Baekhyun said.

"He's not coming here OK? So just let me go! If you really have guts then go to BTS's house and fight them!" I yelled at them, losing control of my anger.

Chanyeol picked me up by the collar, the handcuffs were killing me. Cutting into my wrists causing unbearable pain.
"Oh that was the last straw, you do not talk to us like that!" He spat in my face.

He let me go. The shortest of all the males, broke my handcuffs as if he were tearing a piece of paper. I immediately stood up.
Bad idea.
I thought if I could run away.
There was no way I could outrun them. They were vampires after all.
But what did I have to lose.
It was either run for my life, or die here in this basement.
It was not fight or flight now, it was flight or die.
I had to do it.

I ran towards the door that I had seen the rest of the boys come through.
Running like I had never before.
But it wasn't enough.
One of the males had come in front of me.
Right in between me and the door.
"I'm Kai, and I don't know if you could tell but I don't like when the people I capture run away from me. In fact, none of us do."
"and now since you did exactly that, you need to be punished.
Punished badly"

Oh no...

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