Chapter 124: A Temporary Home

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Christina's P.O.V

"You call that fighting?! You look like a a couple of snotlings beating their heads against a rock wall!" Conner taunted from behind his shield before Richard yelled and hit it with a large fireball. However, while the explosion was impressive, their opponent's defense wasn't phased at all as the man burst through the flames and slammed the shield into Richard's stomach. And as the gasping swordmage tumbled past her, Christina ran forward and attempted to cut their opponent's swordhand only to suddenly be intercepted as she managed to parry a series of dagger strikes from Austin before he suddenly disappeared in a flash, she found herself flying in the air for some reason and she received a kick to her back that sent her flying past Richard until she flipped in the air and managed to land on her feet.

"With cohesion like that, it doesn't look like you'll be defeating any higher leveled demons any time soon, much less the Demon King." Austin goaded while twirling one of his daggers in his right hand.

"We're not giving up!" Richard yelled in determination after climbing to his feet. And after Christina walked up behind him, the two charged forward again with the swordmage launching another fireball at Conner. Though after Austin disappeared before the detonation took place, a swarm of golden swords burst out of the ground behind the headmaster with him smirking in response.

"Maybe not, but you're going to have to do better than this!" Conner yelled before blocking the fireball with his shield again and using his sword to deflect all of the golden projectiles. And while neither of the young students had waited to rush the man and hopefully catch him off guard with their own swords in melee combat, they were surprised as Austin reappeared on the edge of the receding flames from the fireball before he parried Richard's sword a few times and eventually moved the blades so that the boy stumbled into Christina's path. Though the rogue wasn't finished there as she had to block several throwing knives which had circled around Richard before he eventually crashed into her entirely as Austin kicked the swordmage with enough force to knock both of them to the ground yet again.

"I... I had no idea that they were this strong." Richard panted as he climbed to his feet with Christina following soon after.

"You're wrong." Conner countered as both he and Austin walked towards them in a non-aggressive manner. "In terms of strength, both of you are better than us. But what you're facing now is the years of training and experience that separates us."

"Not to mention that you're our teachers and know all of our moves while we hardly know any of yours." Richard replied begrudgingly as he rubbed a forming knot on the side of his head.

"Oh, and I suppose you'll automatically be knowing all about the demons and monsters you'll be fighting then?" Austin asked sarcastically with the swordmage lowering his head afterward. "Training for today is over, so rejoin the refugees and reflect on what you learned."

"Yes sir." Both of them replied before Austin and Conner moved to help that knights that were calling the once-stopped line of refugees to move again after they'd had their break. And in making their own way to join the others, Christina and Richard once again waited until they were at the back of the refugees before they started moving as well. However, while having two breaks a day while moving the rest of the time was normal to them by now as this was the third day that they'd been travelling, it seemed that this part of their journey was almost at an end when they crested a tall hill and was able to look across the plains that they were in to see a large and circular wall in the distance. But unlike the capital which had been both an imposing fortress as well as a trade capital which had numerous decorative buildings to attract merchants and influential figures, Tonston was entirely a fortress as tall stone towers and battlements reigned over anything else. Though not all of it was grey stone as massive banners in the shapes of red shields were placed over the heavily fortified main gate and castle which had the insignia of a black dragon in the middle of them.

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