Chapter 71: Back to Normal

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Opening her textbook to a page filled with information about minotaur, Koko kicked her feet in the air underneath her chair as she listened to Austin's lecture impatiently. And while she thought that she should enjoy studying about monsters, Koko couldn't help but become bored with the lesson seeing as the academy was incredibly dull compared to her recent activities. However, that wasn't to say that she wasn't having any fun at all as she now sketched a minotaur by using the picture of one in her textbook as a reference. Though instead of it's normal head, Koko drew Austin's head as best as she could before giving him horns and a huge nose ring.

Inspecting her art, Koko shivered slightly as she realized that the man looked almost natural as a monster before she felt a firm hand grip her shoulder. And as Koko looked up, she started trembling when she spotted her instructor glaring at her. Though seeing as it was too late to hide what she'd been doing, she pointed at it and started digging her own grave.

"I'm a really good artist, aren't I?" Koko asked, figuring that she would continue seeing as she was doomed anyway. "If it was bigger, nobody would be able to tell the two of you apart!"

"Koko..." Austin started seething as he glared at her before he pulled out the maze board. "Seeing as you don't want to pay attention in class, guess what you get to do for the rest of the day?"

"Oh, come on!" Koko yelled in complaint. "Can't we go on more monster subjugations or something? Just holding normal classes all the time is boring!"

"This information could save your life one day, especially for someone as insane as you are." Austin replied. "Now move to the corner and start practicing your magical ability. And if I even think that I see you stop, you'll be working on the maze every day for a week."

"Eh?!" Koko asked in terror at just the thought of it, though she immediately got up from her chair and started walking to the corner of the room, grumbling all the way until she finally sat down in the chair there and started concentrating on the maze board. And while class might have been boring for Koko, she had to sit through three more weeks of it until they finally did something interesting.

"Today, rather than normal lessons, we're going to be sparring." Austin announced as everyone in his class gathered in the arena. "Two pairs will be fighting at the same time, so be mindful not to let your skills grow out of control as you'll be sharing the battlefield. Opponents will be assigned by school ranks again, and also, we'll be joining several other classes today so that you can all find someone close to your ranks."

"Cool!" Koko yelled excitedly as she spotted the other classes at the sides of the arena, though she didn't mind them as she turned a mischievous eye towards Christina. "Ready for round two?"

"We don't even know if we'll be fighting each other yet..." Christina gave Koko a nervous smile in reply.

"You'll be fighting the numbers closest to you, so Christina will be fighting Richard again." Austin turned Koko's head so that she was facing him. "Your opponent will be Ethan Layatt, who is the fourth rank in the academy."

"Go easy on me... please." Ethan walked up to them along with several other members of his class, and Koko instantly recognized him as the only student other than her and her friends that had led a group of students out on the field exercise. However, while the rest of them were first years, Koko only now realized that the boy was a second year.

"Let's make it a good match!" Koko replied excitedly, making Ethan back away from her enthusiasm before the rest of the classes joined them and most of the arena was cleared for the sparring to begin. Though by the time the sixth match were underway, Koko was already bored of watching the lower ranks fight, becoming impatient as she waited for her turn before some of the higher numbers started being called. Though they still weren't up to Koko's level until Christina and Richard finally started sparring again.

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