Chapter 30: Ninja Spy

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"Stupid Austin!" Koko yelled, taking out her rage on yet another kobold that night as she attempted again to find a monster that could use Magic Domination. However, even if her search as in vain, beating monsters to a pulp was making her feel better at least as the frustration from the day was still eating away at her. It was her who had destroyed the target, she could have defeated Wallace in an instant and she'd even saved Austin himself in the end and was only scolded for it! She couldn't do much to get recognition with only twenty-one MP, but even the things that she could do was credited to others!

"Get over here!" Koko yelled, chasing after the remaining kobolds as they cried and fled from their camp and the furious monster that had attacked it. Though after she lost sight of them, Koko stood still while panting, furious at her instructor as hopelessness started taking overtaking the rage. After all, nothing was going like she'd thought it was going to. She hadn't expected to be able to make lots of friends from the beginning like most anime protagonists would, though she hadn't expected to not make any friends at all. And it almost seemed as if she would be alone for both of her lives as she figured that she had more potential to become a villainess rather than a heroine in this story seeing as everyone hated her. After all, it already had two people worthy to be the main characters, such as Christina and Richard, who seemed to have almost cheat-like abilities at such a young age. In fact, it almost seemed like those two were the most likely to stop the coming evil, so did she really need to do anything at all? Unless, of course, they were the ones to become evil later on in the story...

Getting distracted by her stomach rumbling as she'd missed dinner, Koko reluctantly left her stress relief behind before she started heading back to the academy, wondering just what she was going to do for the next two days as she had them off for the weekend. Of course, the initial strategy was always to go and explore Goldgate. However, she knew she'd want to buy a lot of things if she went, and she didn't want to use all of the money that she'd gathered from killing monsters or the allowance that her parents had given her just to buy a bunch of pointless things. And so, Koko decided that she would simply spend the day training tomorrow while perhaps doing a little more monster hunting. And with thoughts of which kinds of monsters she could possibly encounter, Koko fell into a dreamless sleep, only to be awoken the next morning by Christina as the hero prepared to go somewhere.

"G'morning." Koko said sleepily as she sat out of bed.

"Un." Christina grunted in reply, just as she normally did every morning before the girl finally left the room. However, when she left, Koko grew curious as to just what a hero did on her days off. In fact, if Christine was going to train, then Koko wanted to watch if at all possible."

With her stomach growling, Koko fought off the pains of hunger before quickly dressing in her combat robes and leaving the dorm as well, exiting just in time to see Christina climbing aboard some kind of highly decorated carriage that appeared to be coached by a priest of some kind. Though as the carriage started moving away, Koko quickly stopped her examination of the vehicle before running so that she could catch up to it. And when she did, she dived underneath the carriage, clinging onto the axles so that it would take her to wherever Christina was heading. And even though it was to late to reconsider, Koko immediately regretted her action as the wheels were picking up any small rock that the road had to offer before peppering Koko with them.

Suffering as she went, Koko hung onto the axles for at least half an hour before they finally entered Goldgate and she climbed off in order to blend in with the crowds, figuring that she would be less likely to be spotted if she looked from afar now that there was plenty of cover around. And so, Koko dived from one train of moving people to the next, hiding behind bushes and signs when necessary like some kind of Ninja Spy as she followed the carriage through the city. Eventually, Koko was surprised to find herself at a grand temple made from white marble that had blue and golden banners hanging from it's sloped roofs. And this was where the carriage stopped, letting Christina outside as she greeted an important looking priest that met her at the entrance.

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