Chapter 4: Family and Tea Time

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"I don't think it's getting any better at all..." Koko complained to herself as the blue fire around her hands disappeared and she felt drained as usual, though thankfully she was getting better at handling the effects after two years of attempting to improve her magical ability.

Koko, now three years old, was at the age where she could train herself actively while her family handled the matters of their land. Benson and Shell, Koko's parents, always seemed to be busy meeting with the kingdom's officials and other important aristocrats while David and Teya were busy in school. David went to the Knight's Academy for obvious reasons, seeing as he was Benson's heir and the next lord of Wence, and Teya was being home schooled by Shell, which thankfully kept both of them busy most of the time. And as for why Koko was thankful for that-

"Koko! Let's go play!" Teya suddenly burst through the door into Koko's room before walking inside without being invited.

"Eh? But I was just about to go running and-"

"You always run! Now is the time for playing!" Teya didn't seem to want to take 'no' for an answer as she walked over to Koko and lifted her up. And it wasn't long before she was dragging Koko out of her room and towards the backyard, where they would have another of Teya's famous 'tea parties'. Though while Koko wanted to do nothing more than to just go and run to train her endurance, she knew that escape was impossible as, despite Teya's frame being small, the girl had a grip that could pulverize rocks.

"Do you want to go to the beach instead of the backyard then?" Koko asked hopefully. "The atmosphere is so much nicer there than-"

"If we go to the beach then you'll just end up lifting rocks and trying to balance yourself on the tide poles again, wouldn't you?" Teya looked at Koko dryly. "Seriously, I know you have a lot of energy, but you should leave lifting and things like that to men or you'll damage the skin on your hands and ruin your future marriage."

"But you're the only one looking forward to marriage." Koko complained. "I want to go out and fight monsters and stuff!"

"There's no way that any sister of mine will be out fighting monsters!" Teya said loudly before suddenly turning around and pulling Koko into a hug. "You're too cute and small to fight monsters, so I won't allow it!"

"T-Teya!" Koko complained, trying desperately to escape from her older sister's clutches as the girl started rubbing her face of the top of Koko's head. "You're too obsessed with me!"

"And I have every right to be." Teya responded in a tone that said that she didn't care about being obsessed at all. "Anyone that wouldn't be obsessed with such a cutie like you should be thrown in prison!"

"Teya, you're being weird again!" Koko replied, thinking that this girl loved her sister perhaps a little to much before she eventually gave up her struggle and simply waited for Teya to have her fill. After all, the only one that could stop Teya when she got like this was-

"Teya, you really shouldn't trap your sister like that." Shell thankfully came to Koko's rescue, however Koko knew from experience that her predicament wasn't over with yet as Teya's habit of obsessing over her sister was genetic rather than self-learned.

"But seeing you two get along so well together truly is wonderful!" Shell laughed before closing the distance between them and quickly picking up both of her daughters. And if Koko had thought that Teya had a vice grip, then their mother was even worse before the woman started rubbing her cheeks between her two daughter's faces.

"Mother... You're hurting us..." Teya complained with a strained voice, and Koko couldn't help but agree as she felt as if she were being hugged by a grizzly bear, only the pressure was amplified seeing as it was the same amount of force but with the woman's small arms.

"Sorry, it's just that you're both so cute, especially together." Shell laughed before putting them down, leaving both Teya and Koko to collapse while wheezing in an attempt to breath again. However Koko had already been through such a situation before, and it had been at that time when she discovered just what kind of person she wanted to be when she grew up.

For some reason all of the women in the Cryner family had inhuman strength, and Koko planned to use that to her advantage. Rather than being a 'proper lady' like Teya wanted to be, Koko wanted to grow up to be an adventure, a person similar to a mercenary that accepted requests from people to subdue monsters, gather ingredients for various crafts that were in to dangerous of locations to send normal people and many other things from saving cats from trees to liberating entire nations from evil forces. It was a life of action, adventure and companionship, and Koko wanted nothing more than to join the profession so that she could finally gain some comrades of her own to do adventures with. And if she could be friends with them at the same time, then that would be perfect.

"Oh? Are you all about to have a tea party?" Benson came out of his office, most likely to see what the commotion was outside in the hallway before he came across the scene.

"That's right." Shell replied for them. "Now that I finally have some free time, a tea party sounds like a wonderful idea."

"It does, doesn't it?" Teya agreed readily, having already recovered from being crushed.

"Do you mind if I join you then?" Benson asked, apparently having a break from his work as well.

"No!" Teya surprisingly rejected him. "No men allowed!"

"Ah... P-please?" Benson asked again, looking terribly down struck that he'd been refused by his own daughter.

"No!" Teya replied again. "You would just talk about something that guys do like your old adventures or something like that."

"You heard her, dear." Shell replied with a kind yet stern voice. "It looks I get our daughters this time."

"I want to hear about adventures!" Koko suddenly shouted, hoping desperately that this was a way out before two hands suddenly shot out and grabbed onto her arms, each belonging to both her sister and mother. And in turning around slowly, Koko suddenly felt as if she had been captured by two demons as both of them had scary expressions that sent shivers through her spine.

"Come now, Koko. It's high time that you started doing things that a lady would enjoy." Shell insisted.

"It'll be fun to spend time with us, right?" Teya copied Shell's tone, and Koko turned around and gave Benson a pleading look only to find that the man had already retreated back into his office. Most likely for his own safety.


"We insist!" Both Shell and Teya said at the same time before dragging Koko along with them by her arms. There was no escape, and while Koko had thought so before, she confirmed that the women in her family were terrifying creatures which no force could stand against.

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