Chapter 18: Land Development (Part 2)

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"Let's go!" David yelled before he drew his long sword and burst through the shrub, almost completely flattening it under the combined weight of his body and armor before Teya followed him. And seeing as she was supposed to guard their healer, Koko took a deep breath and followed them, still regretting her choice of searching their territory as she didn't want to touch the undead at all.

Appearing to just be mounds of standing skin and muscle, Koko shivered at just the sight of the creatures as soon as she ran out into the open. They appeared to be a mixture from whichever humans were here before and the horses that had been pulling the broken wagons, though they clearly weren't alive anymore as they had combined now to make nightmarish monsters. And while she knew that she'd battled much worse things in actual games before, actually seeing and smelling them in person was absolutely terrifying.

<Abomination (Level 23)>

<Abomination (Level 26)>

<Abomination(Level 24)>

Letting out a strange croaking noise as all three of the monsters noticed the loud knight, they slowly began to make their way towards him by using their awkward skeletal horse legs to move while a large and mutated limb swung above them, covered in rib bones that would impale anyone that the limb struck. Though it was also large enough so that it could crush a person even if the ribs missed them.

"Koko! Don't hesitate and keep them away from Teya!" David shouted from the front as he blocked two of the abominations, though Koko soon found out why he'd shouted as the third avoided him entirely and headed straight for Teya. And even though she found the monsters to be horrifying and disgusting, there was no way that she was going to let it anywhere near her sister.

"Over here, ugly!" Koko called out, charging ahead of Teya as she sprinted towards the level twenty-four abomination. As she charged, it seemed to spot her immediately, swinging it's limb like a flail above it's head before it swung downward with the intent to crush her. And while Koko managed to sidestep in time to avoid it, she suddenly became blinded by the small rocks and dirt that were blasted away from where the monster's limb had hit the ground.

Somersaulting backwards to try to get out of the creature's range of attack, Koko's hands suddenly became uneven as they hit a small rock, causing her to stumble slightly before she landed on her feet and rolled to the side. And while she couldn't see through her stinging eyes, she guessed that it had been a good thing that she had rolled seeing as there was another massive thumping sound in the direction where she'd been standing that sounded exactly like the creature's first attack.

"Koko, you should be able to see again!" Teya yelled from somewhere behind her right as Koko felt something warm wrap around her eyes, and she hesitantly opened them to realize that her sister had cleared the dirt and rocks away.

"Thanks!" Koko called out her appreciation while once more running towards the abomination, grinning despite her earlier thoughts as she was finally fighting against real monsters. All of those years of training were finally paying off, and she proved this now by shielding her eyes as the abomination attempted to attack her again before jumping up from the ground so that she could be even with the center of the monster's body mass. And with a small shout of exertion, she struck the abomination with her right fist as hard as she could. However, instead of feeling the satisfying smacking sound of a well-connected punch, Koko turned green as her hand sank into the rotten skin of the monster before she flipped in the air and kicked herself away from it before it could retaliate.

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