9) The date pt. 2

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Natsu and Lucy arrived at their favorite restaurant.

"Hmmm...I'll have a extra large cheeseburger, a large steak, and a chicken wing." Natsu said to the waitress. The waitress was very confused on why he ordered so much.

"Oh yeah! And a large water!" Natsu said with a big smile. Lucy giggled at Natsu's personality.

"And you Miss?" The waitress asked Lucy.

"I will have a salad please. And a medium water." Lucy said with a smile. The waitress nodded and walked away.

"That's all your gonna eat? I thought you were starving!" Natsu said looking confused.

"Hehe! Natsu I don't think you realize that you eat way more than anyone." Lucy said laughing. Natsu looked down and lightly blushed, which made her giggle more.

"Wait, where's Happy? I can't believe I didn't notice that he was gone." Lucy said looking at Natsu.

"Oh yeah! Since it was a date he offered to stay at the guild and do some work!" Natsu said, taking a bite out of his steak.

"Oh, ok!" Lucy said smiling and eating her salad. After 30 minutes they finished eating and started walking out of the restaurant.

"Whoops! Look like we have a couple of hours till the club thing...I must have planned our date too early." Natsu said putting his hand behind his head.

"We can just go over to my place and hangout until it's time to go! And we can show each other what we bought!" Lucy said excitedly. Natsu nodded as they headed to her apartment.

5 hours later(1 hour until the club opens)

Natsu and Lucy had been making out for about 20 minutes. They both fell in the kiss, only thinking about what they were doing. They're hands were roaming each others body's and moaning throughout the kiss. Natsu started kissing Lucy's neck, leaving hickeys and love bites. During her pleasureful experience, Lucy slightly opened her eyes and glanced at the time.

"SHOOT NATSU!!" Lucy yelled jumping up and getting her dress Natsu have her.

"What was that for?" Natsu said confused.

"WE ONLY HAVE 1 HOUR TILL THE CLUB!! WE GOT TO GO!!" Lucy yelled finding her dress and taking of her shirt and skirt.

"Oh yeah...but we still have a little time.." Natsu said hugging her from behind and whispering in her ear, seductively. Lucy only had on her undergarments because she was putting on the dress. Natsu started to kiss her shoulder. Lucy moaned in pleasure before pushing him away.

"Natsu we cant right now! We have to go! But we can finish this later..." Lucy said seductively, wrapping her arms around his neck and placing a quick kiss on his lips before putting on her dress. Soon they were both dressed and looking snazzy.

"Damn Natsu, that suit actually suits you!" Lucy said with a smile. Natsu started laughing, to hard. Lucy looked at him confused, which only made him laugh harder.

"You said that that suit....suits you" Natsu said trying to hold back his laughter, but failing. Lucy laughed then rolled her eyes. She started walking to her door. She was dragging Natsu's hand so he wouldn't jump out the damn window again. He had an unsure expression on his face. Lucy looked at him and winked, signaling that it was ok. He smiled and followed behind her as they walked out the door. They looked at each other, not liking what just happened.

"Don't use the door again, it's weird..."
"I'm not using the door again, it's weird.." They both said in unison. They looked at each other and laughed.

"Well now that that's settled, let's get going!" Natsu said grabbing Lucy's hand. They arrived at the club. It was bustling with fun party goers and it reeked of booze. They walked to the bar and ordered a couple of shots while they talked and laughed enjoying their booze. They both had two shots of tequila and started dancing.

"Uh Hey Luce?" Natsu asked after dancing for ten minutes.

"Hm?" She hummed looking at him and still keeping her side to side dance moves going.

"I have to got to the bathroom." Natsu said, having to go really bad.

"Ok. Oh! But make it back before the fast song! I've been practicing my moves!" Lucy yelled excitedly. Natsu chuckled and nodded, making his way towards the bathroom. Lucy kept dancing, waiting for Natsu so they could fast dance(yes fast dancing is a real thing) together. Natsu came out of the bathroom only to find Lucy siting on a chair at the bar, the slow song just one song away. He walked up to her and rested his arm on the counter beside her.

"Hey why aren't you dancing? You were so happy and energetic before." Natsu said trying to cheer her up. He wondered why she was acting so weird. Lucy sighed.

"This gross, drunk perv came up from behind me and grabbed my ass." Lucy said sounding very annoyed. Natsu then got very mad.

"WHAT?!? WHI THE HELL WOULD DO THAT?!? Where is that guys once I find him I'm gonna kick his ass!!!" Natsu yelled angrily, clenching his fists.

"Calm down Natsu. I punched the guy and told him to get lost, and that he did. He's somewhere wondering the streets, drunk." Lucy said slightly laughing at Natsu's over protectiveness.

"phew..well that makes me feel better. I'm glad you can take care of yourself when I'm not around." Natsu sighed in relief.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Lucy asked pouting. Suddenly the fast song came on.

"Hmph! We'll continue this later.." Lucy said to Natsu as she was dragging him to the dance floor. He smiled at his beautiful girlfriend. They danced the fast dance and earned applause from the club after the song. After another hour or so they decided to come home, home being Lucy's place. They walked into her house and settled down on the couch. Soon after they looked into each others eyes, with love and longing.

Hey guys! To be honest I really hated this chapter. This took me forever to write and I started to get annoyed with it. But I'm excited to write the next chapter because, well, stuff happens.

1045 words.

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