I didn't know. But I knew that I had to:
1. Survive whatever sick plan Mr. William had in mind
2. Escape
3. Contact my family
2. and 3. could be done in either order.

With that thought and a warm shower that calmed me down, I was filled with determination to get out.

I brushed my teeth after smelling the toothpaste and washing the toothbrush for 5 times just to be sure there wasn't any poison, drugs whatever on them.

Call me irrational and anxious for no reason, but better be a little more safe than sorry. Then I dried my hair and straightened it a bit. "Okay, this took quite some time."
I was sure I went over the time limit.

I wrapped myself in a towel and prepared to open the door. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, praying no maid or pervert or trap was in my room.
"I should've taken the clothes inside with me, damnit."

Bracing myself, I unlocked and opened the door. To my relief, it seemed empty. I took a look around and then went for the wardrobe.

Opening it, I wasn't horrified as I expected to be. The clothes were neatly organised by colours and style which was a great aesthetic, I could notice, buttoned shirts, light coloured pants and some darker ones, pyjamas, socks - even some interesting ones with beautiful motives on them.

However, I could also notice some more tight shirts with no sleeves, slim-fit pants, skirts and some casual dresses. They didn't seem too inappropriate, but definitely not my cup of tea.

However, I did like some skirts.

Then of course, there were tights and lingerie arranged in the lower drawers.
I will admit that I found the thought of wearing lingerie bought by someone else not a comforting one.

Yet I had no choice. Grinding my teeth, I chose some underwear and a pairing bra. I absolutely hated to admit that it was comfortable and I really liked it.

I chose to wear a light-blue long over shirt over a white T-Shirt with a cute bird design and darker blue simple pants that seemed to be made from stretching fabric. "It will be somewhat comfortable to run in these and the over shirt reaches close to my knees."
I just loved clothes that cover my back.

"I was ready to...get home." I nodded while checking myself out in the mirror.
I folded the clothes I came with and placed them down near the sink. "I'll have to put them in something to take them home."

I went over to check my backpack and right then, I heard a knock on the door.

I froze. I've been enjoying my own company so much that I forgot where I was and that I had to interact with other people.

I didn't answer. I took a few steps back, my eyes desperately looking for a weapon while I was facing the door.

Another knock and then an unfamiliar female voice asked "Uhh, Miss Emily? May I come in?"

I sighed a bit in relief, but remained tense. "Y-yes."

The door opened and I could see another maid in front of me. She entered the room with a slight smile and bowed. She had beautiful black hair in a high ponytail and lively brown eyes.

"Hello, I am Mei. Master has told me to accompany you towards the dining room where you'll be having breakfast." Mei said in a friendly tone with no pauses and stuttering.

"Ah, yes, pleased to meet you, Mei." I responded awkwardly. For some reason I couldn't refuse and decided it's for the best I lay low for some time.
I guess his threats worked, huh.

"If you would follow me" she opened the door for me and waited.

"Thank you." I said and exited the room. She closed the door and proceed to walk in front of me.

I silently followed, trying to find a balance between not being too far as to cause her to stop and urge me to go faster and being too close to the point of invading her personal space when we had just met. Both scenarios would result in a catastrophic consequence: cringe.

"So, how do you like working here?" I said trying to kill the awkward silence. I swore that is she would ignore me, I would rage quit and snap because such levels of cringe should be impossible.

"Oh, it's very pleasant. Working in a beautiful place with beautiful scenery, in a lovely team, it's like a dream. Wouldn't you agree?" she asked, turning towards me with her eyes glistening.

"Oh, yeah, haha. I agree." I laughed awkwardly. I just started to think these people were either drugged to be this jolly, threatened or driven to despair. Yet I wasn't able to see any signs of sadness, struggle.

"Would I really be unable to notice it?"

"We're here" she said, stopping in front of a closed double door. We were on the first floor as I counted when we were descending the stairs.

She opened the door, stepped on the side and bowed slightly, waiting for me to enter.

I was faced with a medium-sized, rectangular table in the middle of the spacious room, surrounded by chairs, where at one end sat the man whose exact intentions I had yet to find out.


Hello everyone. As expected, I would like to apologise for not updating sooner. I will try to avoid that because I know how annoying it is to wait.

This chapter has a lot of unnecessary details and if it's really annoying, I will remove them and refrain from making things too detailed in the future.
And if the inside thoughts are getting too irrational and annoying, please let me know as well, I will fix the amount and reoccurrence.

Well, please let me know what you think and point out any mistakes (I may have used words that are in the wrong context or the wrong spelling because I suck at vocabulary 👍😭)

*[I don't have the source to the image unfortunately.
I chose it because it kind of represents "time with yourself" and the colour scheme hinted towards vanilla and warm. 😂]

I will update in the following days most likely. Thank you for putting up with me and reading this little thing.

Wish you the best of luck, lots of health (I know what it's like when you start losing it) and have a great day/night!


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