Chapter 44: Emma

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I finally brought myself to walk out of my room when I sensed two familiar auras of light. I immediately recognized them from Logres.

"Finn?" I gasped. I rushed down the hallway, following his aura. I sensed another aura beside his, but it wasn't Finn's mother. I couldn't tell whose it was, but it was definitely an Ilentia's. It wasn't Finn's mother. I eventually found him, with a small, green-haired boy standing beside him.

"Emma?" he said. His eyes widened when he saw me, and mine did the same when they met mine. He rushed and threw his arms around me. I rubbed my hand through his white hair. He was safe. Thank the gods he was safe! After hearing that he was wanted dead by a King, I feared the worst, but he was standing right here in front of me.

"You're alright," I whispered.

"So are you," said Finn. "How long has it been?"

"However long ago we were in Logres," I answered. "I guess you and your mother made it to Soareus Peak."

"We, uh, took a shortcut," the boy beside him said. "I flew them the rest of the way up when we saw Ruth's transport crash."

"So, she did find you," I sighed, releasing Finn. "So, you saw him, then, Finn? Your father?"

"Yes," Finn answered. "This is my brother, Haemon."

"Pleasure," said Haemon, offering his hand. "So, you're a friend of Finn, and my mother?"

"Well, I don't really know your mother," I admitted. "She didn't say much to me."

"Yeah, she never says much to anyone," Haemon understood. "Other than us, of course."

"What are you doing here?" asked Finn. "I thought you went back to the Blade Master."

"I did," I answered. "He sent me to look for you because he got word that people wanted you dead."

"So, the Blades of Midnight are looking after you, now," Haemon teased, to Finn. "You have a lot of friends."

"You have more enemies, it seems," I warned.

"Finn?" Connor suddenly said.

"Connor!" Finn cried. He quickly warped in front of his friend, then reached up and threw his arms around him. Connor didn't seem to have time for Finn's greeting, though. He grabbed Finn's shoulders and pushed him away from himself, with his grip still around him.

"Finn, I can't tell you how happy I am to see you," Connor sighed. "But we can't talk for long. Listen, you shouldn't have come back to Valedon. You have to leave."

"What?" Finn gasped.

"My father knows about Dormanine, and he thinks you killed those people who attacked you in cold blood," Connor warned. "You have to leave this city."

"What about Morgan, Commander Jonas?" asked Finn.

"They'll meet you outside the walls," Connor promised. "But you have to get out of here."

"Are you speaking of the secret passage in the dungeons?" I wondered.

"Yeah," Connor answered. "Everyone is outside the wall waiting for you. You have to hear what they have to say."

"Okay," Finn understood. "We shouldn't keep them waiting." I knew which secret passage Connor was talking about. Connor led me, Finn, and Haemon to the bottom of the palace. We locked our arms together for Finn to cast his aura cloak over us whenever Chardanish Regulars were close, until we reached the dungeons. There weren't any prisoners in the cells, which struck me as odd. I could have sworn that there were plenty of people in Valedon that deserved to be in jail. Lord Thatch, Connor and Morgan's father, must have already executed all of them. Considering what Finn was just told by Connor, it seemed to be true to his character.

"Charming place," I jested.

"If you aren't in chains, yes," said Connor. "And there will sure be a storm over my head and Morgan's if my father finds out about this."

"How badly does he want me behind bars?" Finn wondered.

"Bad enough to where the safest thing for you to do is make sure you never see him again," Connor answered. "We're almost there." I knew this passage like the back of my hand, and Connor didn't, so I took the lead in front of everyone. I couldn't see anything in front of myself, but I felt my way forward, and found the door that led outside the wall of Valedon. Commander Jonas, Major Lawrence, Ruth, and Morgan were waiting for us outside of the door. All of them breathed sighs of relief when they saw Finn, and Morgan quickly threw her arms around his neck, squeezing as tightly as they could.

"Captain, we have no time," Major Lawrence reminded.

"Just a little longer," Morgan begged. I understood Morgan's relief from seeing her friend safe, but I had no choice other than to agree with Major Lawrence.

"Glad to see you are well," said Commander Jonas, to Finn. "But I'm afraid we must keep this brief. Several servants of the Dark One want you dead, and everyone in Chardan, including myself, is preparing for war with Camnora."

"My gods," Finn whispered. "Hasn't there been enough death?"

"Not for King Heinrich's liking, it would seem," Major Lawrence sighed. "But Chardan is not the only country he intends to attack. Illondas seems to be under the same threat, but they have no idea. Given that you are wanted dead by two countries, now, we're sending you to Illondas. Warn the Queen, and stay away from Camnora and Chardan."

"But, Commander..."

"That's an order, Captain," Commander Jonas growled. "For your own safety. Continue doing what you must, but further east. Don't use registered travel. Don't even travel by air. I'm looking at you, Haemon."

"Okay," Haemon sighed, hanging his head.

"Hey, Finn," said Connor. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry this is how we saw each other again. Were the circumstances better..."

"I know," Finn promised, as Morgan released him. "It was good seeing you all again. Which part of the wall are we at?"

"The eastern section," I answered, then I pointed forward and said, "In that direction is Camnora, then Illondas. It could take you a few weeks to get to Illondas, but as long as you put distance between here, you'll be fine. Be careful, duck when you see soldiers of any kind, and stay alive."

"I will," said Finn. "Goodbye, everyone."

"Goodbye, Finn," Morgan whispered, with a hand on his shoulder. I stood with Connor, Morgan, Commander Jonas, and Major Lawrence as we watched both Finn and Haemon walk away from the wall. I sensed a feeling of sadness from Connor and Morgan. I knew why. They had known Finn for a long time, but hadn't seen him for a while. Once they finally met again, and they knew that he was safe, he was quickly gone. I felt that same sadness myself, even know I didn't know Finn for nearly as long as they did. Once they were sure he was out of sight, Connor, Lawrence, and Jonas went back into the tunnel. Morgan lingered behind for a few moments longer. I stood there with her. I knew the feeling she had right now, and laid my hand on her shoulder to provide at least a small semblance of comfort.

"War is coming from that direction," said Morgan. "And we've just sent him there."

"He'll be fine," I promised. "I saw how he fought in Logres. He's exceptionally skilled, incredibly powerful, and now, he has his brother with him. If anyone tries to do him harm, gods help them."

"Okay," Morgan sighed. "Finn has a job to do, and so do we."

Guardian (Part I): Last WinterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz