Chapter 14: Connor

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I couldn't wear my armor when I was released from the hospital. It was badly damaged, and might get in the way of my body naturally healing itself. Instead, I wore a heavy jacket to keep myself warm, and pants that were just as thick and heavy. It felt strange wearing something that wasn't armor or a uniform, though. I wanted to go out and fight, but I wasn't about to. Then again, I had three months before I could get back into the fight, and not being with Ruth or Morgan while they were risking their lives to protect people against monsters and demons would inevitably drive me insane. If they were going to put their lives on the line, then so was I, but I couldn't! How would I protect either of them, or even the rest of Fireteam Pegasus?

"So, do you want me back on the beach?" asked Morgan.

"I'm not the one who gives you orders, Morgan," I reminded. "But if you think the soldiers there need you, then it might be a good idea."

"Well, if you need help..."

"I'll look after him," Ruth interrupted.

"Okay," Morgan admitted. "But listen, two MP Detectives came to me in the hospital and asked me about Finn."

"Finn MacHilles?" I gasped. I remembered Finn from Valedon. I knew him for about a year before I became a Guardian Knight, but for even less time after he became a Guardian Knight. I found it as strange as he did that he became a Knight early, but I knew that the only reason that would have happened would have been if he showed that he was capable of skills far beyond anything that was seen by normal recruits. Finn's knighthood came very early, though. He must have been eleven when I saw him in a Ranger's leather cuirass for the first time. He hadn't even been placed in a squad, like Morgan was. I couldn't think of a reason that the Military Police would be investigating him. He was the one person in the entire world that would never end up on law enforcement radar.

"What does the Military Police want with Finn?" Ruth wondered.

"They think he's in danger," Morgan answered. "But they didn't know anything beyond that. Good luck to anyone who tries to even lay a scratch on him, though."

"Yeah," I agreed.

"I don't know, guys," Ruth denied. "He's not the kind of person that would hurt anyone, even if he had to, and even if they were trying to kill him."

"That's why if anyone hurts him, I'll be the first to tear them to pieces," Morgan hissed. "But the Detectives told me that there are humans who are after him."

"What?" I whispered. What Morgan said made no sense. I had heard of lots of Kings and lords that weren't happy with the idea of the Guardians swearing their loyalty to the people instead of them, but since the war, that seemed to have changed. I thought it had changed, anyway. If the Military Police was trying to protect him instead of investigating him, though, then there must be something going on that needed Finn dead to progress.

"What are these Detectives' names?" I wondered.

"Yards and Carson," Morgan answered. Suddenly, there was a gasp from Ruth. She knew those names, and so did I. Those were the two Detectives that investigated her when she was suspected, and later accused, of murder in Idrasyll.

"Oh, right," Morgan whispered. "I forgot who they were when they talked to me."

"They're here, still?" Ruth gasped.

"I don't know," said Morgan. "I'm guessing they are. They want to help Finn, though, not arrest him."

"Well, they're likely to shoot me on sight," Ruth warned. "Along with any MP in this city."

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