Final Goodbye

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It's been a few days since I heard from Jax. The guys were downstairs in the basement waiting for me. I got dressed and picked Thomas up and walked out of my room going down the stairs. Brooke met me at the stairs and took Thomas to feed him,

Me:"The kids been good?"
Brooke:"Yea they've been good Addie."
Me:"Thanks Brooke, I'll be downstairs in the basement, yell down if you need anything. Keep the kids up here."

I walked to the basement door opening it and stepped onto the stairs closing the door behind me then walked down the stairs. The guys all cheered once they saw me which made me roll my eyes playfully,

Me:"Alright boys calm down."

I rounded the corner and looked up to see Jax at the table. I froze where I stood and stared at him,

Jax:"Hey Addie."

I smiled and ran over hugging him. Jax laughed and moved out of the seat to have me sit down. I sat down and he sat in the chair I used to sit in when we met up at the ice cream shop.

Addie:"Where you been?"
Jax:"Everywhere. Thanks for watching over my boys, I need a minute with Addie."

They all nodded and went upstairs. I sat there and turned towards Jax,

Me:"What's going on?"

Jax's eyes were red it looks like he had been crying. He sighed and leaned forward against the table.

Jax:"I need my boys to live with you Addie. I'm going away for awhile."
Jax:"I killed Gemma. I told Unser and Jerry that she was the one who murdered Ashlyn. I only told them that part. I didn't tell them about your mother or about you killing Clay. That stays with the club."

Jax teared up and it felt like my heart filled my throat but I kept listening.

Jax:"I still loved her, she was my mother you know? I just can't get over the fact that she killed my wife, my boys mother. When they find Gemma's body, I don't want to go to prison. I don't want that in my boys life. There's only one thing I can do, so I killed was stupid of me to do but that was the only way to get the other charters presidents and vps attention. They will be here soon. They'll hear why I did it, so I'm asking you to back me up on this Addie, this is what I want."

I sat there not knowing what to say, I closed my eyes and swallowed then opened my eyes looking at Jax again.

Me:"You know that means a Mayhem vote Jax. I can't do that, the club won't do it either. We need you here, hell your boys need YOU! Don't do this to them Jax, not to them, the club or to me. We may not be blood but your the only family I have left.."
Jax:"That's not true Addie. The club is your family, you have them, Opie, his kids and my kids. Please Addie back me up on this, I can't handle the pain anymore."

I bit my tongue and just nodded. I stood up and so did Jax, he wiped his eyes and looked at the wall,

Jax:"You pay somebody to paint the reaper on the wall?"
Me:"Nah, I did it. I couldn't sleep the other night, my mind wouldn't shut off so I snuck down here while everyone was sleeping and just painted away."
Jax:"Looks great."
Me:"If this is what your mind is made up on, do something for me?"

I grabbed the paint and shoved his hand into the can and pulled it out holding a paper plate under his hand and walked him over to the wall pressing his hand on the wall. I let go and handed him a marker,

Me:"Sign it."

He nodded and signed his name under his handprint. Jax smiled and handed me the marker,

Me:"I'm making the others do it too so you aren't the only one."
Jax:"This is why everyone loves you. I'll bring the club up to speed later today. For now keep it between us."

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