Do We Have to Say Goodbye?

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I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking of what to do and what to wear, it's been two weeks since Donna was murdered and we all three agreed to make it look like I didn't say anything to them. I sighed and looked over at my bedroom window, the sun was shining bright today, yup Donna is watching. I will help get her justice, I rolled out of my bed and looked at it, me and Juice haven't spoke for two weeks since that night..I can't decide what I want now..all I know is that I need to get dressed so I can go talk to Jax before the funeral. I dug around inside my closet then pulled out my short tight black cocktail dress and got undressed, I grabbed the dress and slid it on. I leaned over picking up my black leather ankle boots and sat down on the edge of my bed and put on my boots. I stood up and walked into the bathroom doing my makeup and walked out putting a change of clothes in a bag and grabbed it and both my phone and cut. I walked out of my room and out of the house locking the door behind me, I opened the back door to my truck and set my stuff in the backseat. I closed the door and climbed into the driver seat shutting the door and buckled in, I stared at the steering wheel and shook my head. I really hope I know what the fuck I'm doing..I started the truck and pulled out of the driveway driving towards the cemetery, Opie wanted to have the ceremony there and just bury her afterwards. I'm going to need a few drinks after this especially after what I need to talk to Jax about..I ran my fingers through my hair as I turned right and slowed down once I got closer to the funeral home, I pulled in and parked next to Opie's car and got out walking inside the funeral home seeing everyone standing around talking to each other. I glanced around to see if I could find either Jax or Ope, I didn't see neither one so I walked over to Chibs and Piney. Before I could get closer to them Chibs looked my way and laid his hand on his heart which made me laugh and shake my head,

Chibs:"Addie you look absolutely stunning!"
Me:"Thanks Chibs, either of you seen Jax or Ope?"
Piney:"Out back burning some green."
Me:"Damn they are always starting without me."-I joked-
Piney:"That they do girly but I would go see them, Opie would love to see you before we head out."
Me:"Thanks pops."

I kissed Piney's cheek then Chibs cheek and walked out of the funeral home walking around the side of it seeing Jax and Ope talking. I noticed Ope was already looking my way and stopped in mid sentence when I caught his eye,

Jax:"Ope??"-he snapped his fingers in his face-
Me:"It's because he sees me Jackie boy."

I watched Jax jump and I laughed,

Jax:"Dammit Addie."-he laughed-
Me:"Still smoking?"

Jax turned around and looked up not saying a word so I laughed,

Me:"I know from what Chibs said I look "stunning" so anyways you going to answer my question?"
Jax:"He's not wrong, you clean up nice. And yes we do so get over here."
Opie:"I said how are you?"

I chuckled since I heard what he said and walked over to them standing in front of them taking the already lit up joint and took a few hits handing it back to Jax,

Me:"I'm doing okay thanks for asking, but the question is how are you holding up?"
Opie:"I'm slowly managing myself and what's up with you and Juice? He's been acting funny lately and you haven't been around the club for two weeks. You sure you're okay?"
Me:"Yea I'm alright and honestly I don't know what him and I are. Anyway besides that what has been going on with the club?"
Jax:"We started a kara kara and that's the side business, we are still dealing with the Chinese and slowly patching things up with the Mayans and still taking care of Calif."
Me:"So really not that much is what you are saying?"
Jax:"Yup exactly what I'm saying, how's your wounds healing?"
Me:"Pretty good I'd show you but I'm not in my normal everyday outfit had to dress for the occasion and I get to go see Ashlyn next week so she can take the stitches out and let them heal the rest of the way without them."
Jax:"That's good I'm glad your not having any problems with them."
Me:"Nah they don't even hurt anymore hopefully they don't scar up too bad."

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