chapter 1

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Aizawa sighed, he was on patrol one night walking through the dark streets of the bad part of town, as he walked, he heard some crying coming from one of the allies, he walked over to it slowly and looked down the dark ally, he didn't see anyone, but he still heard the crying. "Is anybody there?" he asks.

" Are you going to hurt us?" A voice asks. It was a kids voice, he sounded young.

" no, my name is eraser head im a hero," Aizawa says he waits a couple of seconds before the kid speaks up again.

" I'm over here," the voice says, Aizawa walks behind a dumpster to see a purple-headed boy with dark circles under his eyes, he couldn't be more than three, the boy had bruises all over him, he was also holding a green bush...wait no it was a baby, they both looked neglected and like they haven't been fed enough. Aizawa bent down to get a better look at the two.

" whats your name?" Aizawa asks, The purple-headed boy shakes his head.

" I'm Hitoshi, and this is my younger brother Izuku," Hitoshi says blankly; Izuku had stopped crying and grabbed onto Hitoshi's finger, putting in his mouth and making some baby sounds.

" where are your parents?" Aizawa asks, this question makes Hitoshi flinch.

" They didn't want us anymore." Hitoshi says, looking down at his brother and hugging him closer to his chest. " we are mistakes, and because babies are expensive, they kicked us out," Hitoshi says. Something inside Aizawa clicked. Maybe it was the fact that the two kids were cute or he was tired, but he wanted to protect both of them, keep them safe.

"come on problem children. My husband always makes too much dinner, anyway." Aizawa says Hitoshi thinks for a second before hearing his stomach growl, he sighed and got up.

" Fine," Hitoshi says, " but if you try anything ill kick you in the balls and steal your wallet," he says.


Aizawa walked up to his and Yamada's apartment with the two children close behind him. The lights were still on, and he could hear the Tv was on. He took out his keys and unlocked the apartment door walking in.

" hay shou," Yamada says, looking at his husband " I know that look on your face did you bring home more cats I told you two is the limit."

" not cats... Yamada, this is Hitoshi and Izuku," he says, moving to the side so Yamada could see the two kids.

" HAY Little listeners," Yamada says, waving.

" your that hero on Tv...Present Mic?" he asks. Yamada nodds.

" That's right, little listener, you guys hungry?" he asks, Hitoshi nodes and Yamada goes to the kitchen to go get some food. Hitoshi went to go sit on the couch when he felt something rub against his leg. Hitoshi looked down and saw a small gray and wight cat look up at him.

" her name is Rin, she likes people," Aizawa says, sitting next to the other boy. " I can hold Izuku if you want to pet her," he says, Hitoshi thinks for a second before hesitantly handing izuku to Aizawa and went to pet the cat.

Aizawa took this time to really look at Izuku; he had fluffy hair and big green eyes and freckles on his cheeks; he was small even by baby standards. Aizawa went to move some hair out of the baby's face when he grabbed Aizawas finger and squeezed it with the baby strength he had.

When Yamada came back into the room he had a baby bottle of formula for Izuku and a bowl of Ramen for Hitoshi, I guess they were lucky for fostering kittens a while back because they had formula and bottls.

He handed the bottle to Aizawa to feed Izuku and the ramen to Hitoshi, he has never seen a kid wat that fast.


Hitoshi was holding Izuku fast asleep on the couch, Rin curled up near the boy's feet. Yamada leaned on the doorway while Aizawa watched them

" hay shouta?" Yamada asks,

" yeah?"

" were keeping them, right?"

" yeah..."

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