Radiation gave me life

Start from the beginning

Before we walked upstairs, we completed our round down stairs, in case we missed something. "There is nothing here, let's go upstairs." I patted Ray's arm. He looked at me with a sigh. "Yes, let's do that." It was not like Vandal to hide like this, he normally wanted to be found. He was always ready for a fight.

We passed the doors that led to the control room and for what I could see they were not locked. To be sure, I walked over and put my hand on the doorknob. I turned the knob carefully and the door opened, slowly and gently I closed it again. "I wanted to make sure the door was open, Rip said something about the doors being locked from the outside." I let Ray know who looked questioningly at me.

We were the last to arrive at the top. "Ah, finally." Rip said. "I started to worry." He added. "Then you were the only one." Leonard said under his breath, but just loud enough for me to hear. I walked softly to the edge of the balcony and looked over it. Everyone stood in front of, or near the control panel. "My team and I are grateful that you came here today, after years of hard work, trial and error, we are launching today the very first nuclear power plant in the world." Elliot proudly told the people.

There was a buzz between people, the tension filled the air. Elliot and his team entered everything on the control panel and then pulled a lever. The power station came to life. We were ready for impact, but it didn't come. ''Nothing happens. The timeline said it had exploded a little after launch." I was the first to speak. Nobody could give me an answer.

With still no signal from Vandal, we decided to go back to the Waverider. Until our discovery, the door to the hall was closed. "Strange." Rip thought out loud, trying to open the door again. "Move." Mick growled shoving Rip to the side and tried to open the door with brutal force. No success.

A pounding sound could be heard from the plant. The monitors began to beep and every light that could be lit was lit. "Elliot?" Mona asked in a frightening voice. "Nothing to be worried about, dear, we have this under control." His being was anything but self-confident. "Maybe we could use the downstairs door." Jeffery was already standing by the stairs to go down. "I will take a look, if anything happens I will teleport everyone out of here." I teleported myself down without waiting for permission.

In an attempt to open the door, I pushed and pulled the door. It didn't matter. I tried again but this time with my telekinesis. With my hands pressed against the door, I pushed as hard as I could, but the door did not yield. "What's wrong?"Asked a woman who noticed me scared. I didn't dare say anything because I knew what was going to happen, eventually. "Elliot, we have to get out of here!" One of the technician shouted. I looked up at Rip and shook my head that this door jar was also closed.

He turned his back to me and brought the news to the others. "Both exits are closed." I gave up opening the door and went upstairs again. One of the women stopped me on the way. She grabbed my arm and looked desperately at me. "You can help us, right?" She lovingly held my hands in hers. With eyes damp from the rising tears, I looked into her tearful eyes. "I'm sorry." Was all I said, my voice was nothing more than a whisper.

It broke my heart that I couldn't help them, I had the power to save them, but sometimes we had no choice but to let tragedies happen. I pulled my hand back from her grip and walked upstairs. "Vandal is not here, we have wasted our time, I am returning all of us to the Waverider." I looked down one last time, Elliot and Mona, my parents. This was the first time I saw them and also the last and I couldn't even say hello. My mother was about to give birth because of all the anxiety and stress.

I sent my team members back in numbers of two, starting with Dr, Martin and Jeffery, then Ray and Sara. Mona had contractions at this time. And just before I wanted to send the next two back, the doors to the control room opened. Heavy footsteps walked in and the fear spread. The sound of a loaded revolver filled the room, the hammer was withdrawn, and without hesitation the trigger was released, sending a bullet through the room.

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