Chapter 9

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"Thank you for the help. Pinetree!" His voice suddenly went from his whispering like to a louder one that I knew pretty well. As I heard my old nickname, I froze as my pain disappeared. I slowly stood up not realizing when my lips formed a faint smile. I let out a sea of tears as I spoke. "G-glad to hear you again B-bill." Silence. Then I woke up.

After my paralysis went down I felt something damp on my arm. My hoodie's sleeve was soaked. I slowly sat on the edge of the bed and took the clothing off, then the gauze and squeezed them dry. I stood up and got my phone from the desk and it was 2:47am.

I turned on the flashlight on my phone and saw that the sheets had some red spots on them as well. I took them off, grabbed my clothing and old gauze and went to the bathroom barefoot so I didn't wake up anyone. I dropped them on the floor and ran the water. I drank some and then placed my arm under the cold water and started to wipe away the dry blood.

On my wrist now were graved two double lines. The big triangles were between them. The two circles became the spell we were going to use to capture Bill. And under my shoulder were more small triangles. I smiled when I saw Bill in the middle of the circles. I was spacing out probably for 2 minutes thinking of him.

When I came back on Earth I took some new gauze, wrapped it around my arm and shoulder and started to fill a bucket with water. Then I went upstairs with a mop and the bucket. I started cleaning the mess I made. The only thing I could think of was how to not wake up anyone.

But then Mabel's bedside lamp shone in my eyes.

'Well, damn.' was the first thing that came in my mind.

I almost dropped my phone in the bucket as I saw her sitting on the edge of her bed staring at the floor with her mouth a gape. "W-w-wha...W-what is...t-this?" She barely formed the words, scared to look me in the eyes. "Mabel, I'll explain ev-"

"GRUNKLE STAN!!!" She screamed like a banshee.

"Mabel, No!!"

As I said that I started running towards the stairs. "Dipper!!" I almost tripped as I heard Grunkle Stan's door swing open. I froze at the spot, when I saw him standing with wide eyes at the bottom of the stairs. I put my phone away and looked over my shoulder.

Mabel was trying to block the way. I abruptly turned around. "Move!" I swung my hand aside and Mabel moved to her right, knowing that I was ready to hit her if she didn't.

Instead of going back to the bedroom I took a left turn and went into Soos's formal room. Good thing was that the key was on the Door case. I closed the door stealing a last glance at Mabel who was running towards me. I took the key and managed to put it in the keyhole right before someone to hit the door causing it to open half-way. I was able to push the door back closed along with the person on the other side. Then I locked it quickly.

"Open up!" Mabel yelled punching the door.

I hit my back against the door and slid onto the floor, already exhausted trying to catch my breath. "What's going on in here?!" Grunkle Stan asked worried. "Stop punching the door! You'll hurt yourself!" Grunkle Ford stated.

"There's Blood all over his side of the room! He even tried to run away!!" She explained fuming.

"Because you can't keep your mouth shut!" I snapped and punched the door. "What did you say?! You seriously think I'll keep silent when it's something like this?!" She kicked the door and I didn't say anything after that.

Third Person POV

Mabel kicked the door and Dipper stayed silent. Ford went to the twins' room to see if what his niece said was really the case. Stan grabbed Mabel for the shoulder, turned her around to hug her and she started to calm down. Ford sighed weakly as he saw the red water in the bucket and the wet crimson stain on the floor. He put away the Monster Gun that he took earlier just in case and came out of the room.

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