Chapter 13, History Lesson

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We all gathered around the table as I got ready to explain, it makes me happy to see how eager everyone is to listen about the world wars.

(I'm gonna tell you right now, the chapter title is literally what is going to happen.)

"A long time ago in my world, 2 World Wars happened. World War 1 was mainly started by Germany due to the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie who at that time was carrying a baby, this was done by a terrorist group. After the murder, Germany declared war and thus triggered the First World War. A fact is that Germany had direct involvement in the influence of other counties and powers to join side with them in war."

"Many battles such as The First Battle of the Marne, Battle of Somme and much more but the last one was The Battle of Amiens when the Allied Powers launched a force of 75,000 men."

"The battles I've mentioned were turning points during the war, but whatever the outcome of the battles were, in the end the Allies emerged victorious. To end the war Germany had to sign the Treaty of Versailles, the treaty required Germany to only have a defensive military, surrender German colonies as League of Nations, and pay for the damage they did during the war."

I inhale a deep breath of air, "Any opinions or questions?"

"This World War one, nothing from the history of the Land of Ygvar or other kingdoms ever brought such a story like this!" His voice filled with surprise, "Can you tell us about the Second World War?"

Looking around at everyone and nodding I begin my story of World War 2.

"The Second World War is the most recent war fought by world powers, part of it's history is special to me personally. I shall explain that later."

"The war was started not by Germany alone, but a man named Hitler who hand great influence started the war when he ordered the invasion of the country Poland. This act triggered
Britain and France and thus started the Second World War."

"Hitler is a man who was a leader of Nazi Germany during that time. He was angered about the Treaty at the end of World War One that he motivated the German people to join him, he made the country rise from the ashes but at a cost. He himself started one of the most inhumane and evil things in history. The Holocaust, it is the mass mistreatment and extermination of the Jews, a race of people in our world. It began as taking away their rights and making them wear the Jewish Star by force. Then they started taking them to places called 'concentration camps' on where they would suffer from starvation and from what the Nazis did to them such as experimentation and gas chambers. Kristallnacht is a program against the Jews by Nazi and SS forces, it is known also as Night of Broken Glass and happened before the Holocaust. Let's get back to the war. I was only talking about what was happening inside the 'new' Germany."

"The United States during this time only supported the Allies by giving military aid but did not enter until December 7, 1941 when the Japanese bombed the ships on Pearl Harbor. This however was going to be deeply regretted."

"Land, sea, and air battles waged on such as Battle of Iwo Jima, Battle of Britain that was done with the assistance of RAF, Battle of Stalingrad that was won by the Red Army of the Soviet Union, and The Battle of Midway that was won by US Navy. There are more battles than I can count but the most important battle to me is the battle of D-Day Normandy Beach when the Allies invaded northern France. The US sent 73 thousand troops on that day and combined with their allies added up to 156,000 soldiers, my grandfather was among them."

"With D-Day being an allied victory, the Allies began an invasion on north-west Europe to liberate it from German occupation. After so many years, the dictator of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his bunker on April 30, 1945."

"On August 6, 1945 Japan surrendered when America dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This was the final event that led to the end of World War Two."

"Is there anything you want to ask me?"

Olav is first to speak, "I have several questions, what happened to the concentration camps? Can you also tell us more about your grandfather?"

"At the end of World War Two when the Allies began their expedition throughout Europe, the Soviet Union discovered the first concentration camp called Majdanek. Move camps were liberated afterward. My grandfather is still alive, living at the age of 97 years old." I tell him.

Effie raises her hand, "Is there any books or stories that Jews wrote during the war?"

"Yes." I reply, "The Diary of a Young Girl is a book written by a Jewish girl. When I return to my world I'll get you a copy."

She smiles, "Thank you!"

"About your uniform, can you please tell us?" Olav asks politely.

I smile, "My uniform is a paratrooper uniform but my helmet is for infantry." I proceed to remove my helmet, "This is a replica of the iconic M1 helmet used by American soldiers during the Second World War, still as good. It's made of two layers. Steel pot and plastic liner."

"That's all, please excuse me. I've got things to do.

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