Chapter 11, Daylight

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My eyes slowly open as my arms move around to feel the surrounding. "Rotte?"

I move my hand towards my helmet that is still covering my face and lift it off revealing the morning sun shining into my eyes. For a second I look down then squint, "ROTTE GET OFF ME!" Somehow while I was asleep she managed to get near me without waking me up and wrap her arm around me, with a fast motion I fling her arm back to her side, jolting her awake.

"Excuse me Rotte, did I wake you up?" I say sarcastically, she yawns like nothing happened and looks at me with a happy face, "Good morning!"

Giving her a rude stare I get out of the bed and put my boots on then strap my helmet on.

"Breakfast." I say while looking towards my knapsack, searching around and pulling out a K ration I breathe a sigh of relief.

" I say while looking towards my knapsack, searching around and pulling out a K ration I breathe a sigh of relief

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Right now is not a good time to turn around, Rotte is probably getting dressed.

After waiting a few minutes I turn around, "Alrighty, let's go get breakfast." Moving back to my knapsack I swipe my water flask and take it with me.

While walking, Rotte and I exchange smiles as we both head towards the kitchen where Effie is cooking along with another new face I've not seen yet.

While walking, Rotte and I exchange smiles as we both head towards the kitchen where Effie is cooking along with another new face I've not seen yet

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She looks at me with an astonished expression then walks toward but before she speaks I take the chance to introduce myself. "Sorry for the surprise arrival. My name is Jerald but if you wish you can call me 2nd Lieutenant."

Looking down at her feet she also introduces herself, "My n-name is Cuthfleda, it's an honor to meet you."

"Please don't be shy, just call me Jerald if that's what you want. There's no need to be formal for I respect everyone the same way." I reply, "May I have hot water and a plate please?"

"Right away sir!" Cuthfleda calls out as she scurries away.

Rotte taps my shoulder, "Why do you treat everyone with kindness?"

I smile then put my hand on her shoulder, "Doesn't matter what their social status or occupation is, everyone in my eyes in equal. Although we might think we ourselves are superior to others- there is one thing we must keep in mind and that is everyone is special in their own way."

"It's also What Kindness Can Bring."

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