Chapter 2, Imaginary War

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Arriving at the edge of the forest I brief myself on the 'mission ' before proceeding any further.

"The 308th paratroopers have been deployed to attack a German Command post deep in the woods. With Germans hunting them down there is only 1 survivor left. The outpost is heavily defended by several anti-personnel mines and MG turrets. Your mission is to find a way to disable the outpost by cutting off the connection to the airfield." I say to myself.

"Alright, let my imagination begin."

I get as near to the outpost as possible, the task is difficult. The Germans have strategically set land mines everywhere. Running behind a tree I peek out to see a German officer inspecting a sound in the forest, with no sound being made I sneak behind him and put him into a headlock. He struggles for a few seconds before his body goes limp, inspecting his body I find keys that probably will help me get inside.

"This is (codename) to HQ," I say on my imaginary radar, "I've taken out an officer and he had a pair of keys, moving in will be less harder now."

Suddenly my shoulder is grazed with a bullet. A German turret has discovered me and has sounded an alarm. Taking cover I pull out my USP (pretending it is an M1911) and return fire at the soldiers advancing to my position.

"Paratrooper to HQ, mission compromised!" I shout. With fast speed I maneuver around a tree and return fire, hitting 4 German SS soldiers.

I turn around and see the evac chopper (aka edge of the forest) and make a run for it. Bullets fly past me and mines explode as I run for safety. At the last second I make a leap as one of the soldiers grab my arm and pull me into the chopper.

With my imaginary operation completed, I lay down exhausted in the grass. "That was fun!"

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