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After a long hot shower, Hanji came out, wearing the same lingerie as before. The room was filled with a delicious smell.

"Dinner's ready," Levi said.

He looked at her.

"Don't you have anything to wear?" Levi asked.

Hanji shook her head.

"There's no other clothes in here... I'm only allowed to wear what Zeke makes me wear," she explained, looking down.

Levi walked over to her. Hanji tensed up slightly feeling something draped over her shoulders. Glancing up, she saw Levi had given her his jacket. Levi set two bowls down on the table along with two glasses of water.

"I hope this meal is good," he said.

"It smells amazing!" Hanji replied.

"Eat slow, just in case you get an upset stomach," Levi advised.

The two ate in quiet. Hanji so happy to have a good meal and to have a break from her usual nights. Levi had many questions but he didn't ask, didn't push her to say anything. He just wanted her to know he was not an enemy and that he wanted to help.

"That was so good," Hanji said after she finished the soup.

"I'm glad you liked it," Levi replied.

Hanji looked at him, tilting her head.

"What?" Levi asked.

"You...you're not like anyone I've ever met," Hanji replied.

"You don't know me really know me yet...you're here, feeding me, giving me your clothes, treating me like I'm a human...instead of a toy."

"Because you are a human Hanji," Levi said.

"There's something not right here and I intend to figure it out and do what I can."

"Don't." Hanji replied.

"Anyone who tries gets killed..."

Levi heard the sadness in her voice. He got up and walked over to her. Levi gently wrapped his arms around her. Hanji froze. She hadn't been hugged since her parents were killed. Levi softly stroked her back. He felt her relax in his arms. She gripped tightly to him, missing the feeling of an actual caring hug.

"Now it's time for you to get some sleep," Levi said, still hugging her.

"S-sleep?" Hanji asked.

"Yes, I know how tired you are, I can see it in your body language and in your eyes," Levi replied.

He stood up and made sure that everything was exactly the way he found it. Levi walked next to Hanji.

"May I?" he asked.

"S-sure," Hanji replied.

Levi carefully picked her up and carried her to bed. Once there, he set her down and covered her with the silk sheets and the soft blanket. Hanji fidgeted lightly.

"What's wrong?" Levi asked.

"It's just... I can't believe you...you're doing all this for me and you barely know me..." Hanji replied.

"Because I can see that you are a good person who's stuck in a bad situation," Levi said.

"I want to help you."

She looked at him baffled.

"N-no one has ever wanted to help me..." Hanji said.

"I do, but we'll talk more later. Please rest now." Levi replied.

"You'll stay? R-right by me?" Hanji asked.

"If you'd like me to I will," Levi replied.

"Please," Hanji said.

Levi moved a chair next to the bed and sat down. Hanji turned on her side so she was facing him. She hesitantly closed her eyes. Levi hummed a lullaby to help calm her.

This was the way the next several nights went. Levi always letting her rest and taking care of her. The two had slowly begun to get to know each other more, though Levi didn't know anything about Hanji's past still. He wasn't going to push her though, when she was ready, she would tell him.

"It sucks tonight my last night..." Levi sighed.

The two sat at the table, Hanji wearing Levi's shirt again and a pair of sweatpants he'd brought this time.

"I wanted to book the next week but that bastard Zeke already said it was full." Levi said.

"Y-you will come back?" Hanji asked.

"Of course," Levi replied.

"I want to book as many nights with you as I can."

"I like when you book my time, you're nice and you care about me, make me food, let me rest and everything," Hanji said.

She started to develop feelings towards Levi but she could never tell him as it would put him danger. Little did she know, he was feeling the same about her. Soon their time was up and Levi had to leave. He promised Hanji he'd be back and she knew he would.


Hanji woke up late the next day. Zeke had her worked to near exhaustion, there were previous nights with clients, long night singing in the club and him taking her to get new lingerie or get new gear. Hanji though about her nights with Levi and that made her smile and feel good too. A loud knock pulled her from her happy thoughts.

"Hey! Song-Bird! Get up." came Zeke's voice.

Hanji was caught off guard. Zeke rarely woke her up so something must have been up.

"Open the damn door!" Zeke demanded.

Hanji did. Zeke noticed her attire. It was a sleeping shirt and shorts.

"What in the hell are you wearing?" Zeke asked, his voice irritated.

"S-sleep clothes," Hanji replied.

"Those are not the sleep clothes I got for you," Zeke said.

"T-they were dirty, I-I sent them for washing," Hanji replied.

Zeke scowled.

"Get dressed, we have work to do and I need to get your prepared for Mr. Forster this evening," he said.

Hanji paled. Whenever Floch Forster had his nights, it was never pleasant.

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