The Beginning

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August 23rd...a day that would change little Hanji Zoe's life forever...

Hanji was sitting on the couch with her mother as they admired a book about insects.

"Mama, what's dis one?!" Hanji asked pointing at a blue-black beetle.

"That is a scarab beetle, they are native to Egypt," her mother replied.

"It's so pretty!" Hanji said.

"One day, when you're old enough, your father and I will take you there and you can see them for yourself," her mother said.

"Yahoo!" Hanji exclaimed.

Her mothered chuckled. Hanji sure was an excitable 9-year-old. Everything fascinated her.

"Teaching our daughter about bugs?" Hanji's father asked walking into the room.

"You know how much she loves to learn," her mother replied.

"Well maybe we should teach her about dresses and girly things?" her father suggested as he sat down.

"I hate those dresses! Too poofy and frilly!" Hanji complained.

"So, you've said Zoe," her father said with a laugh.

Hanji yawned. It was already quite far past her bedtime.

"All right, time for my mini scientist to go to bed," her mother said.

"I'm not tiwred though..." Hanji replied as she rubbed her eyes.

"You are sweetie," her father said.

"Sleep and tomorrow, we can go to the zoo."

"You promise papa?" Hanji replied as her mother picked her up.

"Promise my little one," her father said.

Sadly, that day would never come.

Hanji's parents were sitting in the living room reading by the fire. There was a sudden knock at the door.

"Who could that be?" the mother said.

"It's 11:30 at night..."

"I'll get it," the father replied.

He went and opened the door and froze.

"Good evening Mr. Zoe," Zeke said.

"What are you doing here?" Hanji's father asked.

"Time's up, you owe me payment." Zeke replied.

"Honey, who is it?" Hanji's mother asked walking out.

"A uh, business acquaintance of mine," the father replied.

Several months ago, Hanji's father had been fired from his job. He was losing money and soon would have to sell his house in order to help his family, but this would result in them being homeless. Shortly after losing his job, he ran into Zeke Jaeger. A mob/mafia leader who offered to help him. Hanji's dad got into a deal with Zeke and got a lot of money. The catch though, was that the money had to be paid back after 5 months. Hanji's dad had gotten a new job by now but he never forgot about Zeke.

"This is your wife I presume," Zeke said.

"Please give me some more time," Hanji's father asked.

"You've had enough time, pay me or else." Zeke said.

"J-just one more month," Hanji's father pleaded.

"That is not how this works, you pay me or you suffer," Zeke replied.

"If you don't have money, then I will choose what you pay with."

Zeke looked around. A grin formed on his lips.

"I think I'll take your wife as my payment," he said.

"Hell no." Hanji's father said.

He stepped in front of her.

"You will not touch my family." He said.

"I take what I want." Zeke replied.

Hanji was awake, sneaking in a little extra reading time. Her blood ran cold hearing gunshots. Hanji jumped out of bed and rushed to the stairs.


Zeke stared down at Hanji's parents. Both having been shot.

"Mama! Papa!" came a child's voice.

"H-Hanji run...!" her mother said.

"Oh, so you have a child," Zeke said.

Hanji ran down the stairs and right to her parents. She pressed her hands against her mother's bleeding chest.

"Y-you're gonna be all right mama!" Hanji said.

"Hanji, get out of here," her father said.

"Go Zoe," her mother said.

"I-It's gonna be okay mama and papa..." Hanji replied as tears fell down her cheeks.

She was young but she was smart enough to know what was happening.

"I love you Zoe," her mother said grabbing her daughters hand.

The light left her eyes and her hand dropped.

"Mama...?" Hanji said.


Hanji's father grabbed her hand and pulled her close.

"G-go to your friend Nanaba's house, run fast as you can and don't look back my little one," he said.

Zeke grinned. He grabbed Hanji and yanked her from her father's arms.

"Let her go!" her father said.

"Papa!" Hanji cried as she struggled.

"Your debt has been paid. Your daughter in mine." Zeke said.

"Papa!" Hanji cried.

"L-Let my daughter go!" her father said.

"She is mine now and never again will you see you," Zeke replied.

"Matter of fact, I have a little gift for her."

Zeke pulled out his gun and shot Hanji's father, killing him instantly. Hanji screamed started to hit Zeke. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Zeke and his crew left. Hanji cried as she was taken away. Never again to see her mother and father, hear them sing and talk to her or feel their loving touch.

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