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15 years later-

Hanji woke to pounding on her door.

"Hey Freak! Wake up." A male voice yelled.

Hanji sighed and sat up.

"Hurry up! Boss doesn't like waiting." The male yelled.

"I'm going..." Hanji replied.

She turned on the few lights in her room and began her morning routine. Half an hour later she was ready. Hanji pressed the call button on her wall by the door. A few minutes later, the door was unlocked.

"Hello my little song-bird," an all too familiar voice said.

Zeke. Hanji was quiet. Zeke grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him.

"I said hello freak." He hissed.

"G-good morning," Hanji replied softly.

"Much better," Zeke said.

"Now, we have shopping today, you have a meeting with the lingerie designer as well."

"C-can I get something to eat first?" Hanji asked.

"You performed badly last evening, no morning food for you. You will eat tonight," Zeke said.

"P-please! I'm so hungry," Hanji begged.

Zeke slapped her. The force was so hard that it knocked her to the ground.

"You will eat when I let you." Zeke said.

"Now get up."

Hanji slowly stood. She could feel where her cheek was swollen and hurt.

"You better cover that up if it turns to a bruise," Zeke said.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her along.

"Th-that hurts!" Hanji said.

"Deal with it." Zeke snapped.

He dragged her down to the car and shoved her in.


Levi walked down the sidewalk. It was a usual day for him, get up and do some work then talk with his mother and so on. Levi never really cared much for the hustle and bustle of regular life. It was dull. Levi had found himself in a rut of sorts that he just couldn't get out of. In his past, Levi was a thief. He'd only gotten into that life because his mother had fallen ill and he needed money to get her the care she needed. Time had passed and his mother got better. She knew her son had done some questionable things and asked him to stop. Levi agreed. He never liked to upset his mother, she was the only person he really had in this world. Little did Levi know, but his life was about to change.


"That will be $2,000 sir," the cashier said.

Zeke handed him a stack of money.

"There you are good sir!" he said.

"Your business is always appreciated Mr. Jaeger!" the store owner replied.

"We always make the finest lingerie for your lady."

"It is loved by all that is for sure," Zeke said.

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