"Don't bother, I'll just see you at school baby. I love you" he said tenderly.

"Love you too" I said quickly before pressing answer to Tyron's call, ending Mario's FaceTime as well. 

I put Tyron on speaker as I finished getting ready

"Hey Ty" I said as I looked in the mirror and removed my silk scarf, revealing my wrapped hair underneath. I ran the comb softly through my hair and watched it fall lightly to my breast. Wow this Wild Growth Hair Oil that I've been using really must be working, my hair has grown a lot this past month. Remind me later to thank Yandy for telling me about this oil.

Tyron sighed "Hey Brown Sugar, sorry I didn't call last night. I had a lot of business to handle at the restaurant. I'm so tired" he said, his voice sounding sexy as hell because it was extra deep being that he just woke up.

I sprayed my hair with some Coconut Oil hair spray before combing through it again, making it bone straight. Deciding that I didn't have time to put on make up, I just put some Vaseline onto my lips and applied a little mascara.

I smirked "Nah it's okay, you forgot about me. I'm not important to you but it's aight" I teased as I walked to my closet and grabbed my PINK Duffel bag out of it.

He chuckled "Don't say that Brown Sugar, you are my priority...after my daughter of course" he said, making my heart swell. I love him so much.

I couldn't help the grin that came onto my lips "Yeah okay. Anyway, I'm so fucking tired and I have to work later when I get out of school because my boss is back from Jamaica" I grumbled, getting annoyed the more I thought about it. I really hate being an adult sometimes.

"You don't sound too thrilled about it" he said, amusement in his voice.

I grabbed a red strapless dress with some red pumps out my closet and packed it into my bag, along with my textbooks.

I groaned "I'm not. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and I love school. I just hate when I have to do both in the same day" I stated, zipping my bag up. 

Tyron chuckled "Ah I remember them days. When I was in College I worked as a Security Guard at Victoria's Secret and I hated it. Plus I had to come home and do homework while dealing with a baby by myself. But, I got through it. And so will you Brown Sugar. Years down the line you'll look back on these days and they will defiantly be worth it" he said, making me smile. I love when Ty gets all 'wise lecture man' on me. 

I looked in the mirror and slipped on a pair of white and red Air Max. I looked my appearance over before grabbing my bag, phone and keys and exiting out my room. 

"I know Ty, I try my hardest to keep that mindset. It keeps me going" I said as I walked into the kitchen to see Yandy at the stove making bacon and eggs, while Trent was sitting at the island devouring his plate like the hasn't eaten in months.

I walked to the pantry and grabbed a Birthday Cake flavored Protein Bar out the cabinet, knowing that I won't have time to sit down and eat a plate of the food that Yandy cooked .

Trent looked up at me "Is that my brother? Tell him when I get off work tonight he better get on the PS4 so that he can get his ass whooped in 2K" he said, food almost falling out his mouth in the process of him talking. If you look in the dictionary and look up the words 'Poor table manners', you will see a picture of Trent next to it.

I rolled my eyes "He can hear you" I said dryly, opening my mouth as Yandy placed a piece of bacon to my lips.

Tyron snorted "In his dreams, but okay" he said back, and I rolled my eyes again. Men and their video games.

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