Chapter 21

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Sha excused herself, tired of watching her friends lose. She shut the door gently and walked away-

"I don't care, okay? fuck off:" She heard. 

She stopped walking, decided to listen to their conversation. She peeked into the corner seeing Bakugou and Uraraka talking, "What the fuck" she mumbled,

"Why Bakugou?" 

He sighed, "Look" he started, "I- You don't have a chance okay? I'm tryin' not to shout, I don't want to upset her so please" he stated, glaring at Uraraka,

"But I love you more than anything" she said as she jumped forward, pressing her lips onto Bakugou's plump one. 

"!" Bakugou stared at her.

Sha twitched in anger, Glitching in the process. She angrily walked towards them, her trying to control the aura that was surrounding Uraraka. She pushed Uraraka angrily, as her boyfriend slumped down, still processing what happened.

"You." she said, pointing at Uraraka.

Her eyes that glittered into the sunlight, now replaced by a cold and gray ones. Her smile turned into a deep frown as her pale skin turned into ash grey. Her Blue hair also turned into ash gray. 

"Fucking stay away from him" she said, still angry but glitching.

Uraraka laughed at her, "What are you going to do? Glitch?" she said, wiping her tears off,

"You son of a bitch You don't have the right, you flirty bitch. Do you want me to kill you??"

Sha's voice is distorted and hard to make but the heard it. Thy don't know what the hell she said- even her voice is not hers. She gripped the aura at Uraraka's neck harder making her almost out of breath

Uraraka stared at her, as her blood ran down her neck onto her suit. Bakugou snapped out of his trance and stood up, staring at them. Sha raised her hands, preparing to kill her, when Bakugou hugged her behind. 

He turned her around, him gasping. Seeing her girl not normal. 

Midorya was just passing by when he saw Sha like that. So without thinking, he walked closer to them, him glaring at Uraraka.

"What did I told you?" He glared,

"D-deku?!" Bakugou shouted, "Help me here!"

"I'll pull out your eyes right now" He then put his hand onto Uraraka's right eye, as he started to dug in.

Uraraka screamed in pain. Aizawa and Midnight run as fast as they could at the source of the scream. Midnight is helping Bakugou to calm Sha down, while Aizawa is trying his best to pry off Midorya's hand out of Uraraka's.

Uraraka's blood trailed down her cheeks as Midorya still dragging her eye out. After several attempts, Aizawa pulled out Midorya's hand, but Uraraka's right eye is bleeding. Aizawa stared at Midorya's cold eyes, "What happened?"

"I told her. I tried to warn her that day. I told her that if she do something  or just even stared at Shachan, I'll pull her eyes out. She didn't listen" Midorya replied, not even caring if Aizawa got mad.

Aizawa looked over at her female student. Her Ash grey skin is not returning to normal.

"Let me get you to recovery girl." he said as he helped Uraraka, but still glaring at her. Then they walked away.

"Is she going to be alright?" Midnight said as she stared at Tamaki's Gray eyes.

"I- I don't know Sen-sensei" Bakugou mumbled as he rubbed imaginary circles in her back. Midorya joined them, but still. She. Isn't. Turning. Normal.

The three of them started to be more worried, seeing Sha's gray eyes just staring at the floor. She dropped down her sword, "Its  gonna be fine, Darling" Midnight cooed as she help Sha to sat down.

A few minuets of attempting to calm her down, Aizawa returned to them.


"Let her rest. Bring her into the infirmary. You stay, Bakugou"


 Bakugou and Aizawa stared at each other, "What happened?" 

"Was talking to Uraraka. Then she jumped at me, kissing me in the process. Sha was beyond mad that she discovers her new quirk, then she pointed her sword at Uraraka. She then turned into ash gray. I don't know why"

"Can she go back to normal?" Asked the teacher,

"I ... i don't know"


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