"And take him where? A hospital?" Stiles asked sarcastically.

Allison let out another sigh. "If he's dying, yeah. Stiles, there's a rest area about a mile up. Tell the coach to pull over."

Stiles scoffed. "Yeah, I've been trying."

"Well, reason with him," Allison said.

"Reason?" Stiles replied. "Have you met this guy?"

Lucy nodded. "Yeah, I have. We all have. You gotta try something."

Stiles sighed. "Yeah, okay."

In the bus, Stiles sat next to Jared, who was looking nauseous and smiled deviously. "Hi, Jared."

Soon, the bus was filled with the disgusting smell of vomit.

The bus stopped and Stiles got Scott out. They got him to the bathroom. Lucy lifted up his shirt to reveal a wound surrounded with black goo. Stiles grabbed her hand. "Oh, my God."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Allison questioned.

"Sorry," Scott mumbled.

Allison smiled softly. "Okay. Just give us a second, okay?"

The four of them moved to the side, leaving Scott in his place against the wall. Allison frowned. "This shouldn't be happening. I've seen him heal from worse than this."

Stiles thought for a moment. "Okay, what do we do then? Do we just call an ambulance?"

"And if they get here too late? Or what if they don't know how to help?"

"We gotta do something."

"You know, it could be psychological," Lydia suggested.

Stiles turned to her. "What do you mean, like psychosomatic?"

"Somatoformic," Lydia corrected.

Lucy frowned. "Lydia, not all of us speak sciency terms. English, please."

She rolled her eyes at Lucy. "A physical illness from a psychogenic cause. Yes, it's all in his head."

"All in his head?" Stiles wondered. He thought for a moment. "Because of Derek. He's not letting himself heal cause Derek died."

"Derek's not dead," Lucy muttered.

"So what do we do?" Allison wondered.

Lucy shrugged. "Stitch him up." Allison shot her a look. "I'm serious. If Lydia is right and he's somatofic, or whatever, stitching him up might let him believe he's healing."

Allison gave her a nod before walking over to Scott. "He's going to need another shirt. Where's his bag?"

"Um, I'm going to get out." Stiles said. "I hate needles anyway, so... uh, do you know what you're doing?"

Allison nodded. "Yeah, my father taught me."

Stiles glanced between them. "I mean, how fast are you gonna... I mean, the bus, like, the bus could leave."

Lucy turned to Stiles. "Then we'll make sure it doesn't. I'm not keen on needles either. You good here, Alli?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

Stiles and Lucy left to get the shirt for Scott. He glanced to her. "Scott's gonna be okay, right?"

"Yeah, I think so. Allison's gonna take good care of him."

They returned to the bathroom and Stiles handed Scott the shirt. "Can you stand?" Scott nodded. "Okay. Put this on."

"Whoa," Scott groaned with a wobble. Lucy assisted Allison in holding Scott's other side as they walked out of the bathroom.

They got outside and Lydia joined them. "Is he okay? Are you okay?"

Scott nodded. "Yeah. Stiles. Where's Stiles?"

"Trying to stall Coach," Lydia answered. She turned to Lucy and Allison. "We still don't have gas."

Allison shook her head. "I'm not leaving him."

"Then our only option is to leave the car," Lucy answered sarcastically.

Allison nodded. "Sounds good."

Lydia frowned. "She was being sarcastic. That wasn't an actual suggestion. Allison, wait. Ah. Screw it. Come on, Lu."

Lucy ran over to Stiles and saw Isaac beating up Ethan. Everyone was watching around. He continued beating him and only stopped when Scott yelled, "Isaac!"

They piled back into the bus. Lydia was in a seat by herself, Lucy sat with Stiles, and Scott was sitting with Allison. Stiles, Lydia, and Lucy started discussing the recent murders. "Alright. Let's go over this one more time. So it's the sacrifices, right? Everything has to do with them and someone who thinks he's, like, a dark druid of some kind."

"Or actually is a dark druid," Lydia said.

"You mean a Darach," Lucy corrected.

Lydia shot her a small frown. "You know... Some ancient cultures sacrificed people in preparation for battle."

Lucy gave a tiny smirk. "It's a possibility the ancient Greeks did. No one knows for certain, and the ghosts refuse to confirm."

Her friends gave her a weird look and she shrugged. "What? I'm curious."

Stiles gave a slow nod. "So we got Alpha werewolves against a dark druid."

"Yeah," Lydia replied.

Lucy laughed softly. "It's like Capture the Flag at camp. We use real weapons, and there are two teams. Lots of fun, often gets violent."

Lydia looked at her, worried. "What kind of camp do you go to?"

"Don't worry. It's only played on Fridays. Camp is relatively safe."

Mad World // Stiles Stilinksi [1/2]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα