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The next morning when Lucy arrived at school, Scott bumped into her. He was freaking out about something and as usual, Stiles was probing him. "So you killed her?"

Scott gave a small shrug. "I don't know. I just woke up. And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before."

Stiles raised his eyebrows slightly. "Really? I have. Usually ends a little differently."

Lucy bit her lip. "Mine are usually gods talking to me or future events. Usually scary. Who exactly are we talking about killing?"

Scott glared at his friend and turned to her. "Allison. A, I meant I've never had a dream that felt that real, and B, never give me that much detail about you in bed, again. Sorry, Lu."

Stiles nodded. "Noted. Let me take a guess here."

"No, I know you think this has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow, like I'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out."

"No, of course not. Yeah, that's totally it. Hey, come on, it's gonna be fine, alright? Personally, I think you're handling this pretty freakin' amazingly. You know, it's not like there's a lycanthropy for beginners class you can take."

Scott met his friend's eyes. "Yeah, not a class, but maybe a teacher."

"Who? The man from the woods?" Lucy wondered.

Scott nodded and she continued. "I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, you two idioti did get him tossed in jail. That'd make anyone hold a grudge."

Scott thought for a moment before saying, "Yeah, I know, but chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus, it felt so real."

"You have some seriously messed up dreams. And trust me, I should know."

"How real?" Stiles asked.

"Like it actually happened," Scott admitted quietly.

They stepped outside the school to see a crushed bus covered in blood. "I think it did."

Lucy tried her best to reassure Scott; something she wasn't great at. "I'm pretty sure she's okay. Don't worry about it."

Scott frowned. "Lu, she's not answering my texts."

Stiles let out a sigh. "It could just be a coincidence, alright? A seriously amazing coincidence."

He glared at his friend. "Just help me find her, okay? Do you see her?"


Stiles and Lucy walked off and she saw Allison bump into Scott. "Thank the gods."

"What? Oh. Good."

Their attention was drawn to the loudspeaker. "Attention, students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as scheduled."

During class, Scott turned around to face Lucy and Stiles. "Maybe it was my blood on the door."

Stiles shrugged. "Could have been animal blood. You know, maybe you caught a rabbit or something."

"And did what?"

"Ate it."


Lucy grimaced. "Stiles, eating it raw would be gross. And totally unsanitary."

Stiles frowned at them. "I know that, Lu. As for you, Scott, no, you stopped to bake it in your little werewolf oven. I don't know, you're the one who can't remember anything."

Mad World // Stiles Stilinksi [1/2]Where stories live. Discover now