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Lydia, Allison, and Lucy headed to Macy's to dress shop for the Winter Formal. Lucy wasn't one for dances or dresses, but she'd do what she had to.

Allison had a distant look in her eyes, so Lucy asked, "Everything okay, Alli?"

She gave a small smile at Lucy's new nickname for her. "I like it. Nothing's wrong, I just--I have a lot on my mind."

Lucy looked at her. "You know, you could smile at least. Ever heard of the saying, 'Never frown. Someone could be falling in love with your smile'? Smile, Allison."

Lydia smiled. "I'm buying you and Lu a dress."

Allison shot a small smile to Lucy. "Have to admit, as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected."


"Lu, I have no idea if you already have a date. If you don't, I know who you're going with."

"I don't have a date. Who are you thinking of me going with?"

She glanced to Stiles who was sniffing perfume. "Him."

Lucy narrowed her eyes at her, knowing what she was doing. "I--I don't--I don't like him like that."

Allison smirked at Lucy. "Don't frown, Lu. Someone could be falling in love with your smile."

Lucy frowned at her and rolled her eyes. Lydia placed another dress in Stiles' arms. He glanced down at it. "Oh--okay, so are you just gonna--try these on right now? Is this a 24-hour Macy's?"

Lucy found a black dress with rhinestones. Lydia frowned at her choice of dress. "Black? Really?"

"It's black or I don't go."

"Fine. Try it on."

She did so, and Lydia smiled. "It looks good on you. That's the dress."

An employee's voice came through the store speaker. "Attention shoppers. To the owner of a blue Mazda, license plate--" I smile at the dress, getting distracted. "--5678. Your car is being towed."

Lucy looked up at Lydia as her eyes widened. "Our ride!"

Lydia looked at her and sighed. "Take a breath, will you? Stiles follows you like a dog with a tail between his legs. He would love to drive you home."

Stiles drove Lucy home, after she'd asked. It was a quiet ride, which was nice.

Friday rolled around and Lydia picked Lucy up from Scott's. She wanted to do her hair and makeup.

Lucy slid on her black dress and silver heels. "How do I look, Lyds?"

She smiled. "Beautiful. Come on."

Since Lucy's hair was already wavy, Lydia set it in a loose bun. She did a natural look, complete with silver eyeshadow.

When she was finished, she said, "There's a mirror. Go check it out."

Lucy walked over to her full body mirror and stared at herself. "Lydia, wow. Thank you. This is really me?"

"That's really you. See, when you try a little, you're absolutely stunning."

Mrs. Martin came in and took a couple pictures of the two girls before they walked downstairs. Lydia opened the door, and Stiles was standing there. His mouth dropped as soon as he saw Lucy. "Whoa. Lydia. You did this?" Lydia nodded. "You did a great job. You look beautiful."

"As do you," Lucy replied. "Not beautiful, I mean, but handsome."

They arrived at the school and Lydia immediately walked away. Lucy decided to sit down. Lydia got her to dress up, but she refused to dance.

Stiles came over with two glasses of punch. "You wanna dance?"


He frowned. "You know what? Let me try that again. Lu, get off your cute little ass and dance with me now."

"Nice try. I'm gonna say it again. No."

"Lu, get up, okay? You're gonna dance with me. I don't care that you almost made out with my best friend about a month after coming here. I don't--Lu, I've had a crush on you since that first night we met. And I know try to play tough, but you have emotions, and you're gonna dance with me. Please?"

"Stiles, I'm tough because I have to be."


"I have to be tough. My life hasn't been easy. My dad isn't around much, my mom is dead, my stepmother doesn't like me. My grandmother likes me even less. The monster attacks don't help either. So thanks, but no. I'll just sit here and watch."

"Lucy, get off your cute little ass and dance with me."

Lucy looked at Stiles in surprise and stood up.

Stiles and Lucy danced for a while and she saw Lydia leaving the building. "Lu?"

"I'll be back. Stay here."

Lucy ran after Lydia and ended up at the lacrosse field. She called out Jackson's name, and a figure appeared. "Lydia!"

She turned to face Lucy as she rush over to her friend. Lucy kicked the Alpha, but he caught her leg and knocked her down.

She pulled out her knife and turned it into a sword, and it was immediately knocked away. The Alpha sunk a set of claws into her thigh and shoulder. He bit Lydia, and she fell unconscious.

Lucy lunged at the Alpha and felt a set of claws slash her throat and she passed out.

Stiles headed outside to try and find Lucy. He came face-to-face with Jackson. He walked over to him and glared. "Where the hell have you bee? Did Lydia ever find you? Where's Lu? She went after Lydia. What's wrong?"

Jackson stuttered out an answer. "I--I was out behind the school, and I--I was--out--"

"What happened? Jackson. What did you do?"

He led Stiles to the field and he arrived just in time to see the two of them fall. He knelt between the two of them, closer to Lucy. "Don't kill her. Don't kill either one of them. Please."

Peter shot him a smirk. "Of course not. Just tell me where to find Derek."

While trying to stop Lucy's bleeding, Stiles looked up at him. "W--what?"

"Tell me how to find Derek Hale."

"I don't know that. How would I know that?"

"Because you're the clever one, aren't you? And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles. Tell me the truth--or I will rip her apart."

He brought his claws close to Lucy's neck, and Stiles started begging. "Look--look, I don't know, okay? I sw--I swear to God, I have no idea."

"Tell me!" Peter yelled, bringing his claws closer.

Stiles close his eyes for a moment and said, "Okay, okay, okay, look, I--I think he knew--"

Lucy's eyes opened and it got really cold. Peter frowned at her and asked, "What are you? I've never seen that before."

Lucy rushed to get her sword while eating ambrosia and stabbed Peter's leg.

He let out a roar and turned back to Stiles. "Knew what?"

Stiles sighed. "Derek, I think he--I think he knew he was gonna be caught."

"By the Argents?"



"When they were shot, he and Scott--I think he took Scott's phone."


"They all have GPS now. So if he still has it and it's still on, you can find him."

Peter smirked and once again, Lucy went after Peter.

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