Chapter Ten

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Gaz was wearing her grey pajamas with skulls on it as she entered the bathroom Sunday morning. She brushed her teeth and washed her face, getting ready to have breakfast downstairs. The youngest Membrane was sure her brother was awake since she heard him use the restroom before her in the morning.

When she closed the bathroom door behind her and was midway the hallway, she heard someone whispering her name.

"Shhh, shhhh, hey, Gaz! Wait!" Dib whispered almost entirely behind his bedroom door

"You almost gave me heart at-"

"Get here now!" He whispered louder, interrupting her

Gaz would never obey his brother's requests easily but this one seemed quite serious and considering Dib was still using a cast on his arm, she entered his bedroom to aid him on whatever it could be.

"What is going on?" she asked after analyzing him in silence

"Gaz, I think Dad had someone over last night. You know... someone... over the night... that didn't use the spare beds" Dib continued giving clues to his sister since she looked confused with his first statement

It took her a moment to realize what Dib said and when she did, she had this awkward look in her face.

"Oh, you mean..."

"Yeah" Dib said nodding and raising his eyebrows

"Ok I guess, he's been single since ever but what should we do? Are they downstairs?" She asked Dib

"Yes, in the kitchen. Let's just wait here. When I went downstairs I heard him saying something about having coffee and leaving soon. Then I panicked and came back here" Dib remembered feeling awkward again

"How did he look like?" she asked curiously

"I didn't see him, but he sounded... foreign? And I think he wears glasses too, saw his shadow" Dib said

They talked about some things on Dib's bed, mostly speculating on their father's companion. They both reached the conclusion it must be someone from work, where else would Professor Membrane meet people? After some giggles about trying to guess who invited who, they just started to catch up on each other while they waited for the front door sound. Apparently, Gaz and Jasper had broken up recently but they were still friends and she was going to hang out with him the next day. Dib was pleased their dad developed a better cast for him and they would make the change by Wednesday. Gaz was absolutely into it and said she had to watch the procedure.

They were about to go downstairs after hearing some key sounds and a car leaving the street when they heard steps approaching the room. This would be embarrassing.

"Dib, do you have a moment?" Membrane asked opening the door without knocking and feeling a chill to see Gaz there too

The older man froze there, not knowing how to proceed. He knew Dib had heard them in the kitchen.

"Don't worry dad, we get it. How long has it been?" Gaz asked in a non-judgmental way

"And we're ok with it too, really" Dib added quickly

Membrane seemed more relaxed suddenly, like a masterplan he had in mind was no longer necessary.

"I can see there is no fooling you two" The older Membrane said scratching his neck. "His name is Toshiro, he's about my age and we've been working together at the lab"

"Toshiro? He's Japanese?" Dib asked interested

"Believe me, he is very Japanese. We met in Japan a few years ago, whenever I went there he would show me some good restaurants and temples. Now he was transferred here, his things will arrive soon to his new house. We can talk more about it downstairs, let's eat" Membrane said feeling more comfortable to share this information with his family

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