Chapter Four

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Most students would think that Ms.Bitters was not going to go further on the mentoring thing she mentioned but as soon as she saw an opportunity not to teach lessons and leave students on their own, she certainly took advantage of that. For that afternoon, Dib and Zim would sit side by side and study biology. At least, Dib would. Zim was just going to entertain himself somehow throughout the whole thing.

Some weeks had passed since that Friday night and things were going well between them. They were secretly happy to sit closely since they remained attending to class on opposite sides of the classroom. Once again, everybody was looking at them expecting some shouting or fights or weird accusations. But they gave them nothing to watch.

Zim was observing Dib study, for some reason it was interesting to see how he learned things. Zim noticed he was the type that understood everything on the first read, but took several to actually memorize data. Botanics has a horrible amount of names, not much logic to follow anyway regarding the content of the test.

"What are you doing?" Zim asked him

"I memorize better if I write things down" Dib answered

"Do you feel ready for retaking the test? I wish I could help you" Zim said looking at the Botanics book

"For this chapter, yes, but there are still two to go" he answered with boredom carved on his face

"Everyone is going home, Dib. Let's go too, you studied enough of this today" Zim tried to convince him, he was also bored to death

"Well since my mentor is telling me that... What do you wanna do today?" Dib said closing the book

"Can we go to your house and read some of those comics you showed me?" Zim asked dying to know what would happen in the following pages of the story he left there

"Yeah, sure. We spent a lot of time at your house this week too, I wanna see Vortex" Dib said gathering his things from his desk and getting up from the chair

When they arrived home, Dib told Zim to spend as much time as he wanted reading because he would give his dog some attention. He played with him outside the house and went back after some time, feeling a bit tired of all the running he did.

"You two look adorable playing together," Zim said when he saw Dib entering his room

"Vortex is a great dog, he learns really fast. I'm almost getting him to sit down and roll over"

"That's more than I ever got GIR to do" Zim said giggling a little behind the pages of the comic book he was reading

"Was it difficult to learn our language?" Dib asked sitting close to him on the floor

"Speaking was really easy, reading and writing took me some months. And it's easier to write your language with my right hand, that's weird because I used to write the left one. Not that it matters, irkens write so much in digital keyboards that some of us never learned how to write on a paper or whatever" Zim said starting to deep dive on his memories

Dib yawned, he was dying to lay down a bit.

"That's actually interesting. I think humans might follow the same path" Dib said sitting on his bed

"Why do say th- wait!! What are you doing?!" Zim said exasperated, but also considerably in shock

Dib had just taken his shoes off, showing his grey thin socks, threatening to remove them too.

"What? I just took my shows off to go to bed, take yours too and come here with me" he offered. "Here, I'll give you a hand with your boots" he said leaving the bed and starting to touch the zipper on Zim's shoes

Gravity of You [Invader Zim] [Zim x Dib] [ZADR]Where stories live. Discover now