Chapter 54: Special

Start from the beginning

“Brilliant Bella. You do know that I still want you to join me. I hope you’ll consider that.” Aro said.

“I might have to decline your offer Aro. I’m happy with my family here and wished to stay.” I told him. I might have accidentally switched on some off my powers because suddenly I was absorbing all the powers that are in the room. I can feel emotions and read minds.

‘Wow she could just kill all of us in just a second.’ Gerald thought.

‘I wish that my Crystal can forgive me. It hurts to be away from my baby. I’ve been searching for ages and now I found her but she’s avoiding me.’ Queen Christine thought.

“You know I think I have some forgiving to do.” I said. Everyone just looked at me confused.

“What are you talking about Bella?” Emmett asked.

“I need my mom back. Even if I just met her.” I said. Queen Christine gasped and ran towards me. She hugged me tightly and cried happy tears.

“Oh my baby. I missed you so much. Your father and I had been searching for you for like ages. Unfortunately your father didn’t make it.” She said. I hugged her tightly.

“It’s okay mom. I’m sure dad will always love you. So can you tell me how I was born?” I said and pulled back from the hug.

“Sure anything for my baby girl.” She said and led me to the couch. Everyone sat down around us to hear the story. I sat beside her with Edward next to me.

“It all started when I met your father at a ball. It’s was hundreds years ago. It was my crowning ceremony when he accidentally bumped into me and it was love at first sight for us. We got married a few years later and had the most beautiful baby girl. We named her Crystal since we know that she will be dazzling. She’s a really bright girl. She dazzled everyone in the castle. All of the people in the castle were always having a happy day. Until one day my baby got kidnapped by one vampire. We fairies hate the vampires ever since then. Few years later when we were on our twentieth search we came across a small toddler. She’s bright and looks just like our Crystal. That’s when we found out that the toddler we saw used to be our baby girl. The vampire had erased your memories that why you don’t remember anything. We were always watching your back making sure nothing ever happens to you.” she said and took a deep breathe.

“After a few more years, you were walking home from the groceries store. These two vampires ran and bit you. At that time I can just sit there and watch anymore. So we came out from hiding and we confronted those vampires. They told us everything and it was too late already. By the time we finished you were already transforming. So we continued to hide in the dark again. And here we are now.” She said.

“So where is dad now? What happened to him?” I asked.

“It was another search. The werewolves attacked us and your father was trying to save the kingdom.” She said while crying. I cried with her knowing my dad died.

“Mom does that mean I’m royalty?” I asked as I wiped away the tears.

“You’ve always been royalty. For fairies the crown must pass on to the next generation soon or else we’ll be in danger.” She said.

“So one day I must be crowned. Can we like do it after the war?” I asked her.

“I think so we can do it then.” She said unsurely.

“Thanks mom.” I said to her while I hugged her.

“So what now?” Emmett asked. I got a thought in my mind when Emmett said that.

“Mom didn’t you say that there’s a castle in your kingdom?” I asked her.

“Yeah there is. It’s located in a place far away. You all want to see it?” she asked. She read my mind no wonder we’re mother and daughter. She understands me.

“Sure mom but how are we going to get there?” I asked again.

“I can open a portal that can lead us to the kingdom.” She said and stood up. She walked outside and started to say a spell. I memorize the spell in my head. Suddenly a colorful portal opened before our eyes. She turned to look at me and took my hand. We slowly walked into the portal with the others.

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