Chapter 40: Things Falling Apart

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Bella's P.O.V.

Now I’m just chilling out in the living room with the family. Emmett and Jasper are thumb wrestling, Rosalie and Alice are planning another shopping trip toSeattle,Carlisle and Esme are just cuddling on the couch while Edward and I were just cuddling on one of the love seat. Zac went out to get some supplies for the training which he says ‘it’ll help the training more’. I’m just thinking about everything while Edward was just watching me.

Suddenly I got a message from Zac. It sounded really important and I immediately zoomed out.

‘Bella! Bella! Tanya found out about everything. She’s coming soon to the Cullen’s house. You all have to move and fast. You can’t let her catch you. Go to the Volturi they can help you and use your powers Bella. Run before it’s too late before she catch you. you can’t let that happen, you have to stay alive.’ It ended right after that sentence and I can’t get Zac’s messages or thoughts anymore.

I got back to reality and started to cry. He’s gone. Zac’s gone forever, he risks his life for us. Edward must had read the message because the moment I was finished everything was packed and ready to go. Emmett and Jasper were loading the cars with all our things. We’ll be taking all the cars and everything that we need to Volterra.

Carlislewas on the phone talking to someone I’m guessing Aro. Rosalie, Alice and Edward were comforting me, telling me that everything’s alright. It’s not with Zac gone, Tanya ready to kill us, the war and my life. It’s all falling apart, my life’s not the same it’s a lot more worst than before.

Edward had to carry me to the car because I won’t stop cry and won’t move an inch. It’s all gone, I can’t believe it. What had I done to deserves all this. I just want a normal life with my family and Edward. We left the house around 7 o’clock. I took one last glance of the house and we were on our way to the airport.

It took us 20 minutes to arrive there with all our driving skills. The boys all took the bags and check us all in while we girls went to park the cars at the permanent car park we have at the airport. I was the first one to park my car and I was just waiting next to Edward’s Volvo for the other girls.

Alicecame out a few minutes later followed by Rosalie then Esme. All four of us walked into the airport together and searched for our mates. They were all at the check in point with all our bags.Carlisleseems to be arguing with the man at the check in counter. We walked towards them and went to stand by our men. Everyone was watching the argue beside. I stood beside Edward and sent him a message.

‘Edward what’s happening? Is something wrong?’ he looked down at me and just smiled a bit. I switch on my mind reading power and thoughts came rushing in. I ignored them all and just focused on Edward’s thoughts. I nodded at him to tell him to that I’d already switch on my power. I got his thoughts and they were quite annoying because I can also hear someone else’s thought through Edward’s mind.

‘Yes apparently the flight is delay andAlicejust saw a vision of Tanya gaining on to us and catching us all. So if we can’t get another flight to somewhere else fast we’ll be traveling on feet.’ I looked atAlicethen at Edward. I just nodded my head and waited for them to get it over with. After 10 minutes they were still arguing. I looked at Edward with a frustrated look on my face. I sent him another message through my mind.

‘Edward how long is this going to take? I think we better take the car or run instead.’ He nodded and went over to Carlisle. He whispered into Carlisle’s ear and he came back to stand at my side.Carlisle let it go and we took our bags before leaving the airport. We walked back to the car park quickly and putted all our bags in before getting in our cars. Edward quickly started the car and we sped of to our destination.

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